Sunday 29 September 2013

Reiki and the Poodle

Last week Gill asked me if I would go with her to give Reiki to a dog.  Apparently the dog was suffering from some anxiety when out on the lead, and had an aversion to men.

Well of course I said yes, and off we went.  When we walked in the dog, a black standard poodle called Ollie, kicked up a bit of a fuss before finally settling into a deep throaty growl.  Now I had a poodle when I was a child, and it was a yappy, snappy little thing who would bite you as much as look at you, so I wasn’t totally at ease here.

We both sat down, well away from Ollie, and started letting the Reiki flow.  It took him a while but eventually he started to calm a bit, stopped the growling, but still glared at us.  His owner encouraged him onto her lap and bit by bit Gill and I edged closer.  Still glaring at us, the whites of his eyes clearly visible in all that black fur, he accepted Reiki and his eventually his body started to sag.  And so we continued.

After around 45-minutes Ollie allowed us into his space and even allowed us to touch him.  Progress was being made.  By the end of the session he had given me a bit of a wash and allowed me to stand up and move! 

We’re going back next week, so will see whether there was any progress when Ollie’s owner took him for a walk.

Gill and I are now looking seriously at all kinds of animal Reiki and, hopefully, will be adding it to our training programme at Como next year.

Doesn’t life take some unexpected turns?

Monday 9 September 2013

E2 by Pam Group - Experiment #5

This experiment taxed me a little and took me a while to get going.

The task was to ask a question that I needed an answer to and ask the Universe to respond within 48-hours.

Mmmm, what did I need to know?  I really didn’t know what to ask.  I felt it should be something quite deep and meaningful  - trivial questions were not right here.  I pondered long and hard. 

I know, it probably sounds quite odd but I really had nothing that I needed an answer to.  Normally, if I have a problem, I seek an answer in meditation.  So at that moment I really had nothing that I needed help with.

I kept thinking and finally I came up with something.  Trivial I know, but my question was “Will the Como Centre (my business) be successful?”  Oh don’t get me wrong, the Centre is doing ok, but it’s still early days and we need to spread the word of our existence.  Starting a business these days was always going to be a bit risky so having a bit of reassurance would be good.

So I asked my question and gave the Universe 48-hours to give me a sign.

The next day I received two e-mails within an hour of each other, both booking onto courses.  By the end of that day our website had taken a record number of hits!

I think that’s a really positive sign, don’t you?