Sunday 24 August 2014

How Spirit Work

I just want to share this story with you, which is a classic example of the way Spirit work and why sometimes we have to be patient.

A few months ago a lady contacted me asking if I would take her through her Reiki Level II training. She lived in Panama and had found the Centre on Google!  Wow, long way to come to do Reiki training but, yes, of course I would accept her for training.

Training day came, we met and she was lovely.  But I have to say that I trust Spirit to bring only lovely people to our Centre and they haven't let me down yet.

At the end of the day we were just chatting.  She was a medic.  How refreshing, a medic embracing Reiki! The subject somehow turned to breast cancer and I told her my own story.

She looked at me and just smiled.

She felt I had a wonderful opportunity to do some fabulous work with women going through breast cancer and that she felt sure I would gain the support of the medical profession.  Really?  It was something that had crossed my mind but I had never done anything about it. We talked for a long time.

Spirit had done it again!  They needed to get this lady, a trained doctor, all the way from Panama and into the Centre. They needed to get breast cancer into the conversation and they needed to plant the seed. They needed to get me to listen and they even needed to give me a bit of a nudge! Not a simple task, but they did it.

In October we launch our Como Breast Cancer Support Group.