Monday 10 September 2012

Meditation Teacher Course

Yesterday was the first day of my Meditation Teacher  Training course and what a great day it turned out to be.  The part I want to share with you is one of the meditations that we did together.

Now, I have been asking for quite a while for my psychic abilities to increase so that I can be more sure of what I’m seeing, hearing, feeling, etc.  I know it’s all tied up with trust but I just think that if everything became clearer I would feel more confident.

For one of our meditations yesterday our tutor used Diana Cooper’s Wisdom Cards.  We all drew a card, read the message and then placed the card on our lap and meditated on the affirmation at the bottom.

The card I drew was Clarity.  Hmmmm, that’s pretty spot on.  So I meditated on the affirmation “my mind is as sharp and clear as a diamond” and immediately I could feel several of my guides drawing closer to me.  A pressure began to build over my third eye and the image of an eye appeared.  It wasn’t clear, but it was there and I so wanted to go into the centre of the eye.  But the meditation was a short one and we were all brought back.  Damn, it was over too soon!

But I had drawn the Clarity card and my intuition was telling me that clarity would be mine with regular meditation.  I think the lesson I learned there was that if you want something, then you have to put the work in to achieve it.

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