Sunday 24 February 2013

Animal Spirit Guides

We always start our Reiki Share Groups with a guided meditation, played either from a CD or download; but they never go according to plan.  Despite Gill finding a meditation for the evening, when we come to do it it’s always something completely different to the one chosen.  Long ago we concluded that Spirit had their own ideas as to how our meditations should be.

This week was no exception.  Gill and I spent an hour or more looking for an appropriate meditation, only to have our Group collapse in fits of laughter when our chosen one started.  Great to have so much laughter and wow, did it lift the vibrations.  But, again, our guides had decided that what we had chosen was not the one they wanted for us.

Eventually we all settled and Spirit was happy for us to continue and, oh boy, had they found a winner this time!

Our journey was through a forest and into a clearing.  In the clearing we sat in warm sunshine, with the sounds of nature all around us and there we were to wait for our animal guides.  We were to have two each, and they would accompany us on our journey and be there to help and support us.

I waited a while and then I became aware of a wolf trotting into the centre of the clearing.  He came and sat by my side, shoulder to shoulder.  Eventually his two front legs stretched out in front of him in a resting position.  I knew that he would be there for as long as it took – he was with me for patience.

My next animal was a monkey.  Not sure what kind, but it had long arms, legs and tail and was swinging overhead in the branches of the tree I was resting against.  His body kept dipping, upside down, before us in a playful manner.  He was with me to ensure I kept fun and laughter in my work and in my life – it was important to sometimes let the inner child out.

How lovely was this, two amazingly beautiful animals and they were with me.  But just as we were about to leave a third animal came into the clearing, walked over and stood directly in front of me and looked straight into my eyes.  It was an ox, and he just stood there strong, firm and unmoving – he was there to give me strength and determination whenever I needed it.

It was time to leave and as we walked down the path and back through the forest I was accompanied by my three wonderful animal guides – the ox and the wolf walking either side of me  and the monkey still swinging through the overhead branches.

As I returned from the meditation I was totally overwhelmed and very emotional.  This has got to be one of the most poignant and beautiful meditations I have done – what a privilege.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Coffee, Cake & Clairvoyance

Last night we held a Coffee, Cake & Clairvoyance evening at our Como Centre.  This was not something that I felt a particular need to do, but I have to recognise that a lot of people like this sort of thing.

The hall was full of people eagerly awaiting the medium, and a potential message.  The medium worked for a couple of hours and yes, there was coffee and cake too.  Those who received messages were happy and everyone agreed that it was a great evening.  We have even had requests to do it again.

So why am I not keen to do this sort of thing?  Well, firstly I guess because I no longer need proof of life after death.  I no longer need messages from my loved ones, they are with me all the time.  If I want to communicate with those who have gone, I am finding myself more and more able to do so.

You’ll notice a thread running through this – the word “I”.  So taking “me” out of it, because that is my selfish side, my ego getting in the way, I have to admit that a lot of people were comforted last night by the messages received.   And who am I to deny them that comfort?

Indeed, my own spiritual journey began on such a similar evening – in a Spiritualist Church receiving a message from my Mum via a medium.  And that message went on to change my life. 

There were those I talked to last night who were so stunned by the accuracy of their messages that they want to go on and learn more.  In time they, too, will come to understand that clairvoyance is only scratching the surface and there is so much more to learn.  And that is the essence of what we are trying to achieve at Como, to help those who are eager to learn; to provide a safe space for those who want to develop.  There is much work to be done.

So we will certainly do more clairvoyant evenings, and I will accept their value and just because I no longer have a need of them, others do.

Having said all that, it certainly was a fun evening.

Monday 4 February 2013

Spiritual Forum

Last week we ran our first Spiritual Forum.  We had no idea what it would be like, or how many people would turn up.  Would it be worth doing?  Would anyone turn up?  Would the evening flow?  Should we have a structure?

We decided to form this group as a means for like-minded people to get together to talk, share and learn.  We were aware that one or two people would really love this kind of thing, but to make it beneficial it would need a good group of people willing to share.

We decided not to worry too much about it and just let it be and see what happened.

Eleven people turned up for our first get-together, a range of ages and all at different places on their spiritual journey.

We spent the first 20-minutes or so on introductions and what each person wanted to get from the group.  Everyone talked well but as introductions came to an end I wondered where to go from there and, I will admit, a moment of panic set in and I quietly said “help”.

Shouldn’t have worried at all because someone asked if we could look at Wisdom Cards and the other angel cards that we had.  And so the evening progressed – working with the oracle cards flowed into work with crystals and before we knew where we were the evening had come to an end.

Nobody wanted to leave, and the main comment was how fantastic it was to spend time with other like-minded people and to be able to talk freely about spiritual things.

I, too, love being with people who understand where I’m coming from and actually get me.   It’s often very hard to explain some concepts to people without sounding so wacky or off the planet.  Not everyone can accept what you’re saying, which is absolutely fine, but if you’re with like-minded people they at least understand the concept and are open-minded.

And so another journey begins.  Sometimes, some of the nicest times are often the most simple.  So for us, just being together, talking, sharing, learning and having fun is a simple joy.