Monday 4 February 2013

Spiritual Forum

Last week we ran our first Spiritual Forum.  We had no idea what it would be like, or how many people would turn up.  Would it be worth doing?  Would anyone turn up?  Would the evening flow?  Should we have a structure?

We decided to form this group as a means for like-minded people to get together to talk, share and learn.  We were aware that one or two people would really love this kind of thing, but to make it beneficial it would need a good group of people willing to share.

We decided not to worry too much about it and just let it be and see what happened.

Eleven people turned up for our first get-together, a range of ages and all at different places on their spiritual journey.

We spent the first 20-minutes or so on introductions and what each person wanted to get from the group.  Everyone talked well but as introductions came to an end I wondered where to go from there and, I will admit, a moment of panic set in and I quietly said “help”.

Shouldn’t have worried at all because someone asked if we could look at Wisdom Cards and the other angel cards that we had.  And so the evening progressed – working with the oracle cards flowed into work with crystals and before we knew where we were the evening had come to an end.

Nobody wanted to leave, and the main comment was how fantastic it was to spend time with other like-minded people and to be able to talk freely about spiritual things.

I, too, love being with people who understand where I’m coming from and actually get me.   It’s often very hard to explain some concepts to people without sounding so wacky or off the planet.  Not everyone can accept what you’re saying, which is absolutely fine, but if you’re with like-minded people they at least understand the concept and are open-minded.

And so another journey begins.  Sometimes, some of the nicest times are often the most simple.  So for us, just being together, talking, sharing, learning and having fun is a simple joy.


  1. Sounds fab, so gutted I missed it! xxxx

  2. The second one is on 1st March, perhaps you can make that.


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