Wednesday 1 May 2013

Irritable Bowl Syndrome

Just have to share this one with you.

I suffer from Irritable Bowl Syndrome (there, I've now admitted that to the world!), it's not too bad but every now and again I get a flare-up and one of those flare-ups happened last night.

I started to get some stomach cramps during the evening and by the time I went off to bed they were becoming quite severe.  Usually, and I apologise for mentioning this, a trip to the bathroom will help to alleviate the pain.  It wasn't happening last night.

During the fourth trip to the bathroom I decided that I needed some help.  Now, I'm a Reiki Master but for some reason it just didn't occur to me to do some self-Reiki.  No, I went straight for the big guys and called Archangel Raphael to help me with the pain.

I call upon Raphael a lot when I'm giving Reiki to others, so I feel we have a fairly close relationship.  It seemed fairly natural to me to ask him for help when I needed it.

The pain started to subside so I left the bathroom and went back to bed.  The bedside clock was showing 11:11 - my sign that spirit and the angels are with me.  I settled down in bed and slept through the night - pain-free.

You see, your Angels and the Archangels are always ready and willing to help, but you do have to ask.

Thank you Archangel Raphael - I am truly grateful and do love you.

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