Saturday 22 February 2014

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Yes, it just keeps getting better and better - our Spiritual Development Group that is.

Gill and I had spent the afternoon in our lovely Como Centre and the energy was positively charged.  We watched two rainbows, one of which was a double and so bright, and they always bring a great sense of anticipation for me. There were orbs in our room and spirit were playing with us again.  I just knew that the circle was going to be good.

I wasn't disappointed.  As soon as we sat and linked hands, a great beam of white light from floor to ceiling opened to my left.  Guides came, our wonderful Gatekeeper came and the amazing Angels came.  The white light to my left held a guide and he stayed with me throughout answering my many questions.  People started popping in and there was a really strong US Air Force connection and Charles was back from the last Circle.

We did some rescue work and helped a lady find her missing son.  I asked the Guide why we were doing rescue work when we had asked to connect with the higher guides and ascended masters who could teach us.  His reply was that everyone starts at the bottom and works up!  If we went straight to the top it would to be totally overwhelming - we had to start slowly.  He went on to assure me that we were totally protected and no-one would be allowed in who could cause us harm - he understood my thoughts.

Slowly we started to move onwards and upwards and some fabulous guides came to teach us, their message being pretty much the same - we had the knowledge and we would be given more, but we had to share it.  Learning was pointless if we didn't share.  We were also told that individual meditation was vital and shouldn't be neglected.

There was much more but finally we were taken even higher to a point where we shared an incarnation.  We were given gifts and were thanked for working with Spirit.

Personally, I continue to feel amazed and honoured to be able to work with Spirit in this way.  I will do my utmost to strengthen the connection, to have patience and to trust them completely in order that I may follow the path that is mine to achieve.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Tarot Readings

I was stark raving bonkers at the time, but in one of those wonderful moments of feeling pretty invincible I agreed to do a whole day of Tarot readings to raise funds for charity.

"What's wrong with that?" I hear you say.  Well nothing at all if you are an experienced Tarot reader - I'm not!  Oh I had a Tarot deck, and had used them regularly, but they had been in a box hidden in the loft somewhere and I hadn't looked at them since we moved here over 20-years ago.

What was I doing? What on earth made me say yes? Had I lost the plot completely?

Well I had a lot of work to do, that much was obvious.  So I talked to my own spiritual teacher and mentor thinking she would say "what on earth are you doing?" but no, she just said "fabulous, about time you got on with it".  So I ordered a new pack of Tarot cards and got to work.

My teacher, Kitty, is amazing and spent a lot of time coaching and encouraging me until I began to feel a little more confident that I could do it.  She also volunteered to come over and join us on the day but, she added, that didn't mean I could opt out and send everyone to her!

So Saturday came and four of us spent the day giving Tarot readings in The Mix, Wantage.  We had a steady flow and by the end of the day had raised just over £100 for the Bowen4Children clinic.

It was, on my part, another leap of faith.  I had asked my guides for help and they didn't let me down.  Yes, I was out of my comfort zone but, to be honest, I enjoyed every minute of it and once I got started I found it all just flowed.

Will I do it again? You bet I will but this time it will be at the Como Centre.