Saturday 15 March 2014

Do You See What I See?

Last week I was sitting at the Como Centre waiting for some students to arrive and not doing very much at all - just being.  My focus kept going to the door.  Why?  There's nothing special about our door, it's just a door.
But then I saw them - can you?

Angel Wings.

I sat and focussed on them for a while, and just waited. The tingling started and then that lovely feeling of beautiful warm energy closing around me.  I just sat, and enjoyed that wonderful feeling, feeling loved, feeling supported.  Words cannot describe that amazing feeling of knowing that your guides and angels are drawing close.

They had no words for me, I wondered why they were there.

Then I remembered that two days later we would be running our Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters Workshop!  Their presence was simply their way of saying "we'll be back".

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