Sunday 16 August 2015

No Such Thing as Coincidence

I don't believe in coincidence; I think Spirit and the Universe conspire to bring the right people to the right place at the right time!  That certainly happened to me on Saturday morning.

I had popped into town to see Jackie on her crystal stall at our local market. When I got there I was delighted to meet up with a few of our mutual friends.  We stood chatting and rummaging through the crystals - a lovely way to spend a morning.

And then Annie came along! I had never met Annie, but it turned out that she had already booked onto one of our courses at Como. We stood chatting for a while and then she told me that she was very much into drumming and was looking for somewhere close-by to start a Drumming Circle. She had people waiting to join her but the location had to be right. She also knew someone who was very keen to run a Workshop on Drum-Making.  Wow - how opportune was this meeting?

Then Annie told me she did Spiritual Drawing!!

Jaw dropping moment and, yes, of course she's coming into the Centre the next week to chat over opportunities!

And that, my friends, is serendipity.

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