Monday 3 August 2015

Aha Moments

I love it when you get one of those "a-ha" moments, don't you? It happened to me on Sunday morning.

The previous evening we hosted a BBQ for our Como Breast Cancer Support Group.  It was a lovely evening, everyone was in fine spirits and the food, wine, conversation and company couldn't be better.  I felt total unconditional love that evening for all the people mingling in my garden.

That lovely glow was still with me the following day and the small on my face was becoming a permanent feature.  So while I was musing over a cup of coffee on how I could improve our Support Group and attract more members (I was in my "I want to save the world" mode) the realisation suddenly hit me.

I don't have to change a thing!

What we have is a small group of ladies who meet once a week.  We share a cup of coffee and we chat - about anything and everything.  Yes, of course we discuss breast cancer and we offer advice, based on personal experience, to those going through treatment.  We hug those who are finding the journey tough, we wipe their tears and allow them to vent their anger.  We laugh at some of the funnier incidents.  We celebrate when a treatment regime has finally come to an end.  We hold the space for everyone to be what they want to be. It's that simple.

So why am I trying to change all that?  It's not that I'm trying to change the Group in a big way, I love what we have and every lady is precious. I have made some wonderful new friends that I will always be grateful for. It's just that I have an innate sense of wanting to save everyone and I want them to benefit from the Group we have. But I realised that I can't do that, I can only make to Group available to those who seek it -  I can't force it on anyone.

So I will allow the Support Group to be what it is, to evolve and grow naturally without trying so hard and then beating myself up because it hasn't worked out the way I had planned.  It is what it is, everything happens at exactly the right time and in the right way.  It really is that simple.

Oh I have a lot to learn.

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