Saturday 10 March 2012

The Birds !!!!

As some of you may know, I don’t really get on too well with our feathered friends.  I don’t know why – my friends will tell you that I must have had a traumatic experience in the past which involved  a bird.  Arrrrgggghhhh!  They think I should go for therapy - no way !!!!!!!!!

I would never harm a bird – I just don’t want them near me.  But they seem to seek me out, I think I must have a target on my head or something.  The bigger birds are not too bad, they’re not as flappy and hyperactive as the smaller ones.  I can just about tolerate ducks, and emus and ostriches have quite a manic charm about them.

So it was no surprise that, on holiday recently, a bird with a gammy leg sought me out.  This was not just a 10-minute thing, oh no, no, no, it went on for three days!  Every day, as I settled down on my sunbed, along it limped and settled right next to me.  I tried to encourage it to move to someone far better than I to give it comfort, but it didn’t want anyone else, just me.  I was unnerved to say the least, I couldn’t settle and had visions of it leaping up onto my lap.

It was a poor little thing though and I did feel very sorry that it was injured.  It didn’t seem to be able to fly, just hopped around a bit on one leg and then rested.  My friend and I debated about what to do.  We were in the Far East so knew that a vet was probably out of the question.  My friend fed it and gave it water and I did the only thing I could – I gave it Reiki.

Now, I wonder whether this little bird knew on some level that I could help a bit.  It sat perfectly still while I gave him his daily dose of Reiki and, although he wasn’t cured, he was looking a lot perkier by the third day.  His hopping around became a bit quicker and he even flew a couple of feet.

I wish I could give you a happy ending here, but we had to leave for home and I have no idea what happened to him.  I did the best I could and just have to trust that the little bird is where he should be. 

Finally, during the last few minutes on my sunbed before we had to leave, a bird (not him) flew over and left a deposit on my head – I’m still debating whether this was a thank you for helping his friend or was he telling me it was time to leave?

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