Wednesday 21 March 2012

Two Sides of Me

Many years ago, when my spiritual development got going, I was eager to share and talk to anyone who would listen about my beliefs and values.  Possibly over-enthusiastic, and definitely naïve, I was once called “The Daughter of the Devil” by a Methodist who was totally horrified by my beliefs and practices.

I never thought that my beliefs were bad or harmful to anyone and, of course, they were not.  I had just started my journey of discovery and I was keen and eager to learn.  She never asked me what my beliefs were, but when I mentioned that I went to a Spiritualist Church she went ballistic.  Quite embarrassing really because I was running a slimming club at the time and her display was very public.  I remember being totally shocked because, although I knew that we probably held different views, I really thought tolerance and acceptance of others were good traits to have.  

That day I learnt then to keep my beliefs to myself and never discussed my thoughts with anyone who was not of a similar mind.  Of course, along the way I met some wonderful people who I could share and discuss with and learn from but, on the whole, I kept my spiritual side separate and private.

The majority of my friends and family know the side of me that is very down to earth, loves a good time and enjoys life.  They may possibly be very surprised to learn of the other me but I hope they understand that my spiritual journey is very important.  They can be totally reassured, however, that the down-to-earth me will not disappear – I am still up for a good time!

There is another group who knows my spiritual side but are not too familiar with the down-to-earth side.  I hope that they are not too shocked when they get to know the other me!

The third group know the complete me.  Most of this group are of a similar mind (or at least have an open mind) and are always keen to enter into lively discussions and share views and beliefs.  They accept the whole me for who I am and do not want to change me.  Sadly, there are also those, very few I’m pleased to say, who think I’ve lost the plot completely!

But since my involvement with Reiki I am finding that my spiritual development is coming along in leaps and bounds and keeping the two different sides of me separate is causing conflict within.  I am who I am, both sides make the whole - it is time to allow them to merge and become one.

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