Friday 10 August 2012

Development Group

Last night was Spiritual Development night, and it was my turn to decide the agenda for the evening.  I knew what I wanted to do but wondered whether it was the right time.  I wondered whether the others were ready.  I asked my guides for help and as the days passed I became more certain that I should do it.

So last night the four of us held our first circle. 

I am still feeling elated this morning, but still trying to understand it all.  Here’s what happened.

After setting our intent, asking for protection, and asking to connect only with higher beings who wanted to teach us, we settled down and waited.  It didn’t take long before we found ourselves sitting around a camp fire, it was dark with just the glow of the fire and a rope was passed through each of our hands.  We were aware that we were not alone, but we all felt comforted and loved.  A sword was given to us and a Roman Gladiator made his presence felt.  Slowly the darkness began to lighten and we began to rise – it was a bit like being a diver heading towards the surface, towards the light.  As we surfaced we found ourselves on a lake that was so still and calm, in the distance were mountains of a bluish-pink hue.  Everything was so clear and bright, like crystal.  A small church appeared and we slowly drifted, as a whole, towards it.  We went inside and it was lit by hundreds of candles.  At the alter stood a monk, in brown robes but his hood was up which hid his face.  He gave each of us a gift, all in crystal – a ball, a diamond, rods and mine was a 5-point star.  After a while we left the church and we knew it was time to leave.  We slowly descended and found ourselves back round the camp fire, still holding the rope.  We gave our thanks and closed down and then sat for 5-minutes just looking at each other.

We talked for ages and finally came to these conclusions – the camp fire was the energy building, ignited by a spark from each of us.  The rope kept us together and kept us grounded; it was important that we each kept hold of the rope, it was our way back.  The sword and Roman Gladiator were there to protect us.  The crystal lake and mountains were, we think, about clarity.  But we’re not sure about the church; why were we taken there, could it be something to do with belief.  And our gifts – lovely to receive but what do they mean and how should we use them?

We all wholeheartedly agreed that circle work is what we need, and want, to do; we have so much to learn and it’s how we are going to develop further as a group. 

Can’t wait for the next one.

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