Tuesday 7 August 2012


When I was a kid I wasn’t too good at sharing.  I was an only child so never had the experience of having to share toys, sweets, parents attention, etc.  As I grew older I learnt to share and I discovered the joy of sharing with the people I loved.  Now that I am much older I miss the people I can no longer share with.

There are so many things that we can share - possessions, knowledge, time, experiences; in fact the list is endless.    How good is it to share a smile and a few words with a stranger?  How lovely is it to share good fortune with others?  How wonderful is it to share an experience with someone close to you?  How fantastic is it to share Team GB’s success with the rest of the nation in our home Olympics?

Now that I am working at, and beginning to fulfil, my mission in life I find that sharing becomes even more important to me than ever.  What is the point in gaining knowledge if I don’t share it with anyone?  What is the point of acquiring skills if no-one benefits from them?

It was this need to share that prompted me to get together with my very special friend Gill to open the Como Centre for Enlightenment.  Between us we have a lot to offer and by combining our skills and enthusiasm we can achieve much.

Of course, I did have to stop and ask myself “what do you have to share?”.  Well, sadly, it’s not money or material things.  But what I can share is the knowledge I have acquired over my lifetime, my life skills and skills that I have taken training for, such as Reiki, counselling, meditation.  I can share the skills I have acquired during my working life – my administration skills will stand me in good stead for organising the events that we wish to undertake at Como.  I can share my time now that I no longer work full-time – that time will be spent helping others in their life and on their spiritual journey.  I can share the contacts that I have made, and those I’ve yet to make, which will help to promote knowledge and awareness to others. 

So yes, I believe whole-heartedly in sharing and giving whatever you can to others – after all, we are all part of source so when we give to others we give to ourselves.

What will you share today?

1 comment:

  1. What i love sharing is my time.

    It's easy to write out that check for a charity. Easy to pass a meme on Facebook or Twitter...but as our work lives seem to have begun to merge with our home lives, one thing that has become a prized possession is our time.


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