Sunday 26 August 2012

Self-limiting Beliefs

So I’ve just had this “light-bulb” moment where the truth has smacked me right in the face.  I carry around with me huge self-limiting beliefs which, I am sure, I am not alone in doing.  We all carry ingrained ideas of what we are and what we are not; what we can do and what we can’t.

My belief is that I am no good at any one thing and therefore not as popular as those who excel!  There, I’ve said it – I’ve admitted what I feel.  Of course, logically that’s a nonsense as I know I can do many things and some I can do quite well.  Yes, I have friends and a few that want me for me and not because I come as a package with a group of others. 

But, you see, I’ve always grown up with the belief that I do not excel at anything, I am just Mrs Average.  I was never brilliant at school, or sports – just average.  And the other self-limiting thing I do is compare myself to others – her cakes are always lighter than mine, his writing is so much more interesting than mine, her intuition is so much sharper than mine, and so on and so on.  Because I’ve always carried these beliefs it’s made me feel, if you like, second best  – why would anyone want  me to do something for them when she can do it better, why would anyone want to be my friend when so-and-so is much more interesting and fun.  And then I start to look around for things that have happened that confirm those thoughts.  You begin to see how I have perpetuated this notion?

Well, no more.  It’s now time to shed these beliefs and start to grow into the person I really am.  Yes, there will always be people who can do things better than I can, but that doesn’t mean I am not good at doing them.  Yes, there will always be those who are more popular than me, but that doesn’t make me any less interesting.  OK, at the moment I don’t feel that I excel in any one thing, but that’s because I haven’t found that thing yet.  My own beliefs have held me back.

I am now letting go of those old beliefs, they are not helpful to me.  From now on there are endless possibilities and opportunities for me to shine, and I will.

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