Sunday 21 April 2013

Spiritual Development

Yesterday I did a Spiritual Development Workshop

It was one of three workshops, the beginners course – I wanted to go straight to the advanced level. 

I have never done a structured course before.  My knowledge has grown over many years of reading, talking to others and simply getting down and doing it for myself.  So I went back to basics - I started to build and grow energy, I projected my energy, I learnt to read the energy of others.  I did a bit of psychometry and we ended the day with some energy healing. 

All-in-all there wasn’t anything I hadn’t really done before, but it confirmed that everything I did all those years ago, through trial and error, was absolutely spot-on.  I did learn how to feel the energy a little differently, I learnt more on how spirit interacts with us, I learnt a few more ways to ground and protect myself.

A lovely teacher, completely without ego, she made the day fun, made sure that we all got involved, made us all work and ensured that we fully understood what we were doing.  I gained confidence and became aware that I am already connecting well and that the way I work is absolutely perfect for me.

Towards the end of the day I had a moment of clarity.  One of our students, a young girl who is just at the beginning of her spiritual journey and an Indigo if ever I saw one, had come to us at Como for a little help and guidance.  In that moment I realised that my purpose was to help start our Centre in order to help and guide the Indigo and Crystal children to fulfil their mission.  These young people are our future, our way forward, but they need to be guided and nurtured and they need to feel supported and loved in the work that they have to do.  I will help in every way I know how.

I am truly grateful.

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