Thursday 11 April 2013

Cosmic Ordering

On Saturday evening we had a talk at Como on Cosmic Ordering by the lovely Ellen Watts.  It was a fabulous evening.  Ellen was inspiring and humorous, she’s down to earth and engages totally with everyone.

Now I thought I knew a bit about Cosmic Ordering, indeed I am convinced that our Centre came about because of an order that both Gill and I placed.  But it seems there is more to this than just saying I would like so-and-so.

The first thing that came up was how our own limiting beliefs block us from receiving orders!  Imagine that – I didn’t think anything could block wanting and getting something, after all if you want something you want it!

But just think about it for a moment, how many of you want to win the lottery?  But how many believe that you actually will?  How many of you believe that you’re not worthy of having success, think you’re being greedy if you ask for too much, believe you have to work hard to earn money, that there’s no such thing as a free lunch?  And so the list goes on.  I certainly have all of those beliefs, and many more.  We are brought up to believe these things by our parents and society and they can and do hold us back from realising our dreams and ambitions.

So the first job is to get rid of those beliefs.  I am working on them - I am worthy of receiving what I want in life.

The second part to Cosmic Ordering is to be specific about what you want.  Write down what you really want, be as specific as possible and add a deadline.

The third part is to add “for the good of all concerned” at the end of every order placed.  You don’t want to receive something at the misfortune of others.

Finally, be open to receive your order.  Don’t think for a minute that it will be as easy as being delivered to your door by DHL – you may have to put a little effort in.

So with all that in mind, off I went to place my orders.  I didn’t want to be too greedy (limiting belief there already) so only placed a couple.  By Tuesday nothing had arrived, which was going a long way to confirming another limiting belief - it wouldn’t happen for me.  We discussed it Tuesday night at Meditation and agreed that I probably wasn’t being specific enough.  So I revised my order, being totally specific about what I wanted to happen and adding a deadline of 5pm the following day.

The following afternoon I was feeling no nearer to getting my order, when I had the overwhelming feeling that I had to make a phone call.  I made the call and within 15-minutes my order had been completed.  I had to put some effort in and when I did I got what I wanted.

I don’t usually recommend books here, but I am going make an exception - “Cosmic Ordering Made Easier” by Ellen Watts.  It’s available on her website and Amazon and is a fantastic book to get you started placing orders.

I have other orders placed – just waiting for them to be delivered.

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