Monday 14 October 2013

Update on the Poodle

Last week Gill and I went back to check on Ollie, the black poodle who we gave Reiki to.  Completely unsure of what to expect, we rang the bell and waited.

Ollie greeted us full of excitement and wagging tail, a few barks but nothing like the growling of the week before.  His owner told us that he was much improved, less anxious and enjoying his walks much more.  She said he still had an issue with one particular area on his walk but I suspect that this is more to do with the fact that she gives him a biscuit to get him to carry on walking!

We gave Ollie more Reiki.  He settled really quickly, allowed us to put our hands on him and dropped off to sleep.  Great result.

The added bonus is that Ollie’s owner feels that she too has improved as a result of being with Ollie during his Reiki session.  So much so that she had invited a friend around to share it too!

We’re going back in a couple of weeks to give Ollie his third and final session; neither of us feel that Ollie needs further treatments. 

And anyway, Ollie’s owner asked if we could just pop round to visit a friend who has an anxious pony!!

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