Sunday 20 October 2013


Yesterday I wasn’t well at all; I seemed to have picked up some virus that made me dizzy and sick so I had no choice but to stay in bed.

Unable to do anything but sleep and think, I had plenty of time to do some self-Reiki and meditation; both of which were extremely helpful.

During these sessions I found the past kept cropping up a lot – some of it great and some not so great. 

It was during one of the not-so-great sessions that I got some real clarity. 

During our lives we all have to make decisions.  Years ago I made a decision and, whilst I still believe it was the right one for me, I have carried the guilt of it for years.  By making that decision I hurt others; I have felt totally selfish and guilty over taking the route to my own happiness.

But yesterday I finally realised that the decision I made was the right one for me; for once I had followed my heart and not my head which is something we all should strive for.  Yes, I had made others unhappy but they then had the choice to seek their own solutions.  I don’t think I can remain feeling guilty any more if they choose to remain in the past.

So today I feel as though I have shifted something that I have held onto for years.  The past is the past and I cannot alter that and I am truly sorry that I have hurt people; but I have to move forward.

So maybe I needed to be forced to take to my bed yesterday so that I could gain this insight and shed the issues I’ve been holding onto. 

I thank my guides for making it happen – but can I please not have the dizziness anymore!

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