Saturday 26 April 2014

You Only Have to Ask

Yesterday I took a friend to hospital. Although it was a minor procedure it was still under general anaesthetic and, let's face it, however minor things are none of us like to have to go through them.

So I did the only thing I knew how to do and called upon all the help I had at my disposal.

The night before I sent Reiki to the situation. Although not becoming attached to an outcome, my intent was for surgery to go well and for my friend not to be in too much discomfort - for his highest possible good.

I sent a cosmic order that he would be first on the list for theatre and that we could leave the hospital as soon as possible - for the good of all concerned.

I asked Archangel Raphael for a safe and timely journey - thank you very much.

I asked the angels for a parking space to become available when I arrived at the hospital - thank you very much.

We left home yesterday morning and the heavens opened. The journey was not good, the water and spray on the motorway severely affected visibility and, as always, there were the halfwits driving far too fast with no lights. Nevertheless, the arrived safely and on time.

I found two parking spaces, one right outside the main entrance.

My friend was first on the list, went to theatre on time and was allowed to leave just 4-hours later.  Surgery went well.

The journey home, whilst still in the rain, went smoothly.

Last night I followed up with another session of Reiki.  Today he is fine, a little sore but not in pain.

We all have so much help available to us - all we have to do is ask.  And, of course, remember to say thank you. 

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