Tuesday 8 July 2014


I can't believe I've been so stupid!

The penny finally dropped after spending and afternoon with Abraham Hicks on YouTube. For those who've never heard of Abraham, he's a spirit guide channelled by Esther Hicks.  Esther, her late husband Jerry, and Abraham focus on the Law of Attraction, Cosmic Ordering, Manifesting, whatever you want to call it, and have written many books and given many seminars on the subject.  Esther now tours the USA inviting attendees to talk to and ask Abraham questions.

So it was while watching one of these Q&A sessions that I realised that what I was actually doing was focussing far too much on lack and not on what I really wanted over something recently. I had used up so much energy thinking about what I didn't want and what I could do to change it, that the vibrations I was sending out were all wrong for the desired outcome. Our good old Universe was picking up these vibrations and thinking to itself 'ok, this is what she's thinking about most of the time, this must be what she wants, let's send her more of it'.

And here's where I've been so dense - I know that!  I spend my time telling people that very same thing, think of the positive rather than the negative.  So why did it take watching the YouTube video to remind me?

I've no idea, but maybe our way of thinking is so ingrained and we tend to think far more of what we don't want rather than what we do want. Sometimes we carry these feelings of not being worthy of having the things we want, of being greedy and selfish for asking for those things, that there are more deserving people than us - oh there's a whole host of reasons why we think the way we do. But if we're to be successful and attract the things we really want in life, we have to change our thought process.

So the next time you find yourself thinking that you don't want this or that in your life, just stop and think about what you do want instead.

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