Wednesday 30 July 2014

Sharing Spirit Writings

I think it's time to start sharing some of the writings given to me by my Guides well over 30-years ago. Stupidly, I didn't date them so I have no idea what order they were given in.

At the time I shared them with members of my local Spiritualist Church, but having found them a few weeks ago buried in a box in the loft, I really think it's time to share them more widely.

The first one I'm sharing is a poem which helps with some questions I had at that time. I wrote this myself, but am clearly inspired by Spirit as I cannot write poetry. It seems just as appropriate now as it did then, maybe even more so.

Do not judge others too harshly
My Guide said to me last week
Give them your love and compassion
You know nothing of their tasks to meet

We should give them care and understanding
And try to help them through this life
Send out our prayers to all of them
That their next lesson is free from strife.

We should give them our admiration
They’ve chosen this pathway to take
And while many paths are much simpler
Their’s a much harder choice to make

Yet it's hard to give love and compassion

When a man causes a child to cry
And it’s hard to give care and understanding
When a man causes a child to die

It's impossible to give admiration
To men who commits these crimes
What pleasure do they gain from it?
I ask, so many times.

So I'm trying to be very spiritual
But I live in a material world
And while part of me does understand
I still can’t help being repelled.

So I will continue to battle
With two different parts of me
To bring my material and spiritual 
Into much greater harmony.

I'll pray for all of the children
Who suffer at somebody’s hands
That when it's their time to pass over
They will finally understand

God Bless You.

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