Thursday 3 July 2014

Writings from Spirit

For a long while we've been planning to clear out our loft.  Over 20-years of living in this house we have accumulated a lot of stuff, much of which has been relegated to the loft.  So last weekend we made a start! It's going to be a long process but bit by bit all unwanted items are either being sold, donated to charity or taken to the tip.

Yesterday I had an amazing find and I am so happy.  I found a book of writings given to me by spirit over 30-years ago!  I thought I had lost them when we moved, but they had been buried in a box for all these years.

As I've already told you, my spiritual journey began over 30 years ago in my local Spiritualist Church.  After a few years my really close friend and I became Chair and Secretary respectively and part of our duties were to take the service each week.  Although we had a weekly medium we still had to run the service and deliver an address.  When it was my turn I would ask Spirit for help and just write down what they had to say.  It all seemed so simple then, but I know now that this was probably a form of automatic writing.

Reading through them all today, I am amazed that the messages from Spirit are just as relevant today as they were all those years ago - have we not learnt anything?  The main focus is on love, tolerance, patience and basically finding the time in our busy lives to connect with our Spirit Guides.

I need to share these writings but I'm not sure how best to do this yet. It will come.  The important thing is that I was guided to to find them so the time must be right.  I must really take on board their messages and not leave it another 30-years or so.

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