Friday 17 October 2014

Grabbing Opportunities

It's been ages since my last blog but, in my own defence, I have been out of the country for a few weeks!

Last week we spent some time in Fort Lauderdale and enjoyed every minute of it. One morning I passed by the Concierge Desk at our hotel and was immediately drawn to a poster advertising a Full Moon Party, complete with Tarot Readings!  Now this piqued my interest on two levels - 1) I remember my son telling me of the wonderful Full Moon Parties he'd been to in Thailand, and 2) Tarot Readings will always draw me.

Naturally I talked to Lisa (the Concierge) and we discovered that we shared much in spiritual terms. By the end of our chat Lisa had invited me along to the party as a Tarot Reader!!!!!  Really??  Oh I had given readings before, but never on such a professional basis - could I really do this?

But every morning I thank the Universe for my abundance and affirm that I am open to any new positive opportunities that day.  This was an opportunity if ever I had one so it really would be stupid of me to ask for them only to turn them down when they appear.  Obviously my Guides thought I could do it otherwise I would not have been given the opportunity.

So I said yes.

I thanked my Guides but told them that I needed a deck of Rider Waite Tarot cards so, if they wanted me to do it, could they sort it for me please.  We set off for the local book store and made our way up to the section where they should be.  There they were - just one deck standing face forward on the top shelf - I could not have missed them if I tried!

The party was held around the pool, with the full moon glinting off the ocean - it was all very beautiful.  Around 200 people were there and I worked from 7-11pm. The more I did, the more it flowed; I loved every minute of it and met some wonderful people.

I asked for donations which I wanted to give to Breast Cancer Charity.  I made $120 that night, so I gave half to Lisa for Breast Cancer in the United States and brought $60 home for our own Como Breast Cancer Support Group.

So a huge thank you to my Guides and the Universe for giving me this opportunity and getting everything in the right place at the right time; and also for continually nudging me in the right direction to get me where I need to be.

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