Thursday 1 January 2015

Highs & Lows

This time of year always brings about time for both reflection and anticipation and I spent most of yesterday reflecting over 2014 and everything it brought for me - the lows as well as the highs. I have learnt over the past year that you have to have some low points in order to learn and grow; to bring balance. I'm not always sure what my lesson is, but I trust that it is needed. I have also learnt to really enjoy the highs, to be grateful and to let it move on when the time is right.

One of the highs for me in 2014 was to have my son home for Christmas. He arrived on his birthday - 24 November - and left again on Boxing Day. I had a whole month with him and I enjoyed every single moment of it. Yes, I was sad when he left, but I knew it was time for him to move forward in his journey. We talked a great deal while he was home and I am so proud of the man he has become. We now travel the same pathway, albeit at different rates.

The greatest honour for me during his stay was to take him through Reiki Level 1. I cannot begin to describe how blessed I felt - not only did he want to embrace Reiki but he wanted me to be his Reiki Master!

Was this my highlight in 2014? It was one of many.

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