Sunday 1 April 2012

The First Reiki Share

After I completed my Reiki Training I realised that I should be getting more involved with Reiki shares and should really be thinking about running one.  This was especially important to me if I was going to teach, as I would want something in place to offer my students.

I asked my Reiki Master how I should go about it.  She gave me good advice and even offered to come and help at my first session.  That was great, but I still had to find people to come!  So I asked my guides for help and set the intent that I needed someone to join my Reiki Share Group.

A few weeks later, whilst away on holiday, I got an e-mail from a lady who lived locally asking if I knew of any Reiki share groups she could join.  I replied immediately saying that I was away but would sort something out when I got home.  This was the push I needed to put my thoughts into action.  I spent the rest of the holiday trying to think through the logistics of how I was going to start my Reiki share, could I get another couple of people and where I would hold it.

When I got home I asked my friend Gill if she was interested in joining.  She immediately agreed AND offered her treatment room.  She also had a friend who may be interested in joining, plus the lady who made the original request asked if she could bring someone with her.  All my problems solved in one go – how fantastic was that?  The only thing left to do was arrange a date that suited all.  Again, no problem – everyone was keen and we easily agreed a date.

We met last Friday and, after a rather anxious day of wondering what these ladies would be like and would we all “click”, I am very happy to report that we had the most marvellous Reiki Share that I’ve ever been to.  The energy was strong and flowing well and we all worked like we had been together for years.  As a group we have so much potential and I can’t wait till we meet again.

My guides had come up trumps for me once again.  The organisation all fell into place nicely and they directed two of the nicest ladies in my direction.  Not forgetting, of course, my lovely Gill who is always there for me.

So if you need some help, ask your guides.  They always listen and are always ready and willing to help - if, of course, it’s in your best interests!

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