Sunday 22 July 2012


It’s such a beautiful day, the sun is shining and it’s warm – a day to really enjoy the outdoors, when everything appears to be just perfect.  And yet across the world people are suffering.

I am just watching the news and my thoughts are with the people of Colorado after the shooting at a cinema yesterday.  In Norway the people are marking the first anniversary of gun and bomb attacks, and here at home a family is mourning the loss of their son in a tragic accident at the start of the school holidays.  It serves to remind me that all of us are coping with our own issues, at varying levels.

A friend asks why we have to experience pain, illness, loss and death; why do some have a relatively easy life whilst others endure nothing but suffering.  I find it difficult to answer her.

I know that we all have different pathways to walk and what may seem like a charmed life doesn’t always reflect what’s really happening to a person.  I know that past lives play a major part in what we are experiencing today.  I know that we choose what we come back to, what we need to learn in order to progress.  But how do you explain all this to someone who only sees suffering as a tragic manifestation of events that conspire against us?

I battle with loads of unanswered questions too, but I know that to seek answers to my questions I have to look within myself.  I have all the answers I need, I just don’t know how to access them yet.  That's a hard concept to get over to people who are used to looking to others for the answers, but I try.

I have made the decision to follow my heart and work with people who are seeking spiritual development.  I don’t have all the answers, I don’t think anyone has, but I know I want to share the knowledge that I am gaining and the insights that I'm given, in whatever form that may take.

It’s taken me many years, and probably many lives, to get to this stage but I’m here now and I'll work my socks off to progress further.

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