Sunday 1 July 2012

An Eventful Share

This week we had another Reiki Share and it felt like we stepped up a notch and moved on to a whole new level.  I don’t know if this kind of thing happens in other shares, but we all felt that it was more than just giving and receiving Reiki that evening.

We started in our usual way with an opening prayer, asking for the perfect evening for all concerned, asking for protection, and asking to connect with higher beings.  We had a 10-minute meditation and then moved over to the bed.

The energy was high and we all felt a lot of activity in the room.  Reiki was flowing and I felt the energy like I never have before.  What was amazing was how we all felt so connected, that we worked as one rather than individuals.  Then three things happened.

We became aware that we had a lot of observers present.  They wanted us to know that they were extremely grateful to us for doing what we were doing and that, although we had free will, we had chosen to spend our evening working in this way.  They reminded us that gratitude worked both ways.  I felt really humbled.

The second thing to happen gave us slight cause for concern as we all felt, to varying degrees, that there was someone present who we thought shouldn’t really be there.  We wondered how he had got through when we had been so particular about protection.  But, it turned out, he was not harmful in any way just extremely pompous and arrogant.  He was a master healer and appeared to be on one massive ego trip so he had been brought to us to observe and learn.  As soon as we recognised him for what he was, he left.

The final thing that happened was that I became aware of a bus pulling up and loads of people getting off.  They stood milling around watching us and appeared to be waiting for something.  We finished working and formed a circle to give thanks and close ourselves down.  It was at that point that we directed Reiki to the people from the bus and bathed them in white light.  They got back on the bus and went on their way.  Most strange.

So a most unusual evening, and what an amazing one.  Not only had we all given and received Reiki, we had helped the arrogant man on an ego trip by sending him off into the light, we had bathed a bus load of people in Reiki energy and while light, and we had received grateful thanks from the higher beings.   I so love what I do!

Do you have eventful Reiki Shares too?

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