Sunday 21 October 2012

Spiritual Development Group #3

For those of you who are following my development within my own group, here's the last one in a nutshell.

This month we placed a ring of flames around the circle for protection.  Didn’t sense our Gladiator, which was a little disappointing but we all felt the rope being passed to us.  Immediately a child was felt clasping a leg but was asked to sit quietly and wait until we finished. 

No camp fire this time but immediately found ourselves by a lake.  It was dark and very cold, the lake was still and clear with the moon reflecting on it.  Some time passed and a man appeared and started walking towards us.  He stopped before he reached us and pulled a scroll from his sleeve and opened it.  We couldn’t hear his words.  He showed us five stones on the ground, not stepping stones but more like small mountains.

In the distance was a cave with a light shining from the opening and we knew that we had to make our way there.  The path was rocky and it was not going to be an easy journey.  It started to snow and vision was limited.  We moved forward together and when one stumbled we were all there for support.

We made it to the cave.  Inside was warm and bright and a table was laden with food.  Beautiful food, lots of fruit and vegetables and the colours were bright – the food looked like jewels.

Our guide appeared and we have now started to refer to him as Papa.  We all smiled and he smiled back at us.  He said we were indeed sisters and that we would stay together.  He sometimes saw the world through our eyes and he didn’t like what he saw.  He came to each of us in turn and gave us a blessing.  He told us that we would each be facing a challenge; it would be a life/work challenge but we wouldn’t be given anything that we couldn't cope with.  The challenge would test our faith and commitment; we wouldn’t realise we were dealing with our challenge until it was over.  We would also be given another challenge that we would face together.  He then came to each of us in turn and pressed his thumbs into the palms of our hands.

He left us then and our attention was back on the child.  We helped him go towards the light and we all sent our love with him.  He was met by his people and as he left us we felt the atmosphere lighten. 

We were back and it was time to close down and give thanks.

We were all delighted to see Papa but this time he had taken his time in coming to us, he was making us wait and this was testing our patience.  He won’t always be with us but will be close by.  The five stones that were presented to us were our five challenges and the path to the cave was showing us that our journey will not always be easy or smooth.

It seems that every time we sit together, someone appears who needs our help to move onwards.  It is lovely to be able to help others as well as learning.

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