Sunday 7 October 2012

The Power of Reiki

Earlier this week Gill, my partner in Como, sent me a text to say that a little boy we both knew was very ill in hospital and could I join her in sending Reiki.  He was on a ventilator and in the High Dependency Unit, it was not looking good.  We decided that, if the parents agreed, we would visit that evening and give a little more Reiki directly to him.

When we arrived at the hospital that evening we discovered that he was off the ventilator and had been moved onto a ward.  Things were looking good but his heart rate was still very high.  We started to give Reiki and after a while noticed on the monitors that his heart rate was beginning to drop.  By the time we left the hospital his heart rate had nearly returned to normal.

Absolutely amazing and a real privilege to be able to help this little boy and his parents.

Not all parents have the knowledge of, and access to, Reiki.  Many medics would say that Reiki makes no difference whatsoever and it’s only conventional medicine that works.  But how marvellous would it be if patients were offered Reiki alongside conventional medicine? 

Now I know the sceptics out there would say that this little boy would probably have improved anyway, and maybe he would – who knows.  But if it was your child, what would you do?

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