Sunday 13 January 2013

A Sudden Passing

At the beginning of the week I heard of a young woman who passed suddenly.  Everyone who knew her and her family was in a state of shock and wondering why life was so cruel.

This really made me think about my own feelings and, I must admit, I found I was questioning too.  But I have my thoughts which I will share with you.

I am very sorry that the young woman passed, but her time here is over.  She had chosen her life before coming here, has completed what she came here to do and it’s time for her to go.  I know she is going home and will be looked after during her transition; she will be ok.

My thoughts and love are with her family and friends now who are struggling to come to terms with their loss, and trying to find answers why.  Even when we have the answers, it doesn’t make it any less painful to deal with the physical loss of a loved one from this life.

But they, too, have chosen this life and maybe this loss is one of their lessons, maybe some of them have to learn to deal with loss and grief.  I don’t know, these are only my thoughts.

But, surprisingly, what I am finding is that knowing what I know is not making it any easier for me, in fact if anything it makes it harder.  While everyone else is ranting and raving about the injustice, the tragedy, how could God be so cruel, etc, I find that I can’t join in with them because I know different.  They think I’m hard and uncaring.

I can’t tell them my truth – for one they wouldn’t believe me and secondly, I don’t think it is my place to do so.  All I can do, and what I did immediately, was make Reiki available for all who would accept it.  I will be here when and if needed and I will hold the space for them to heal.

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