Sunday 6 January 2013

Ask the Universe

The first blog of the New Year – so where have I been?

Well, I’ve spent the past week moving into our new Como Centre with my business partner, Gill.  We have had so much fun in the past few days, setting out our stuff, deciding what is going where, shopping and, of course, inviting our families in to see what we have achieved.

What I want to share with you now is how this all came about so quickly and how, when you ask, the Universe really does conspire to help you.

From around the middle of the year when our work really started to take off, it became our wish to have a home of our own.  We used to sit and dream about what it would be like and all the wonderful things that we could do.  We set our intentions, asked the Universe for help and just let it be. 

On 14th November Gill and I had to go into our bank and while we were waiting we started chatting and the subject of our own premises somehow cropped up.  She suggested we popped into the estate agents whilst in town, just to have a look to see what was available.

She was drawn to a particular estate agent, and we have several in our town, so in we went.  Looking at the properties in the window it soon became evident that we couldn’t afford the premises on offer.  Just as we were leaving, the agent disappeared for a moment and popped back out clutching some details that he thought might just interest us. 

We took the details and went home.  It looked good on paper.  We needed to take a look and managed to get an appointment that afternoon; it was perfect.  We talked about it for ages – should we, shouldn’t we.  We both wanted to do it very much but we felt there was a need to be sensible.  We decided to sleep on it.

The following morning nothing had changed – we still had this overwhelming urge to go with it.  Financially it was a bit of a risk, but if we didn’t try we would never know.  We phoned the estate agent and the rest, as they say, is history.

We both feel that we were guided all the way - everything went so smoothly.  We are so grateful for all the help we have been given, it's been amazing.

Our home is beautiful, it has the most wonderful, calming, atmosphere and the energies are building nicely.  We know that we will both be very happy there and will do some fabulous work.

So if you have a dream, ask the Universe to help you.  You may not get it tomorrow but, if it’s in your best interests, you will get all the help you need.  Remember though, you do have to act upon the guidance you’re given!

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