Sunday 10 March 2013

A Bit of Healing

It’s been a funny kind of week.  I’ve not felt too great all week, got a couple of really painful mouth ulcers and had to say goodbye to my son again, who left for his next big adventure.  So all-in-all, if I’m honest, it could have been a little better.

Friday night we had a Deep Trance Mediumship Demonstration at Como with a great medium and good friend, David Rowan.  I’ve never seen a deep trance demonstration before, so was really excited.  I had no idea what would happen, and neither did David – the evening was given over to Spirit.

Many of David’s guides came and talked to us, but there is just one part that I want to share with you.  I was spoken to directly by one of David’s guides who knew that I wasn’t in tip-top condition and called me forward to receive some healing.  He then called Sarah from the audience, a Reiki Master Practitioner who works with our group, and said he would give the healing to me through her.  Well, this was a new one for me!

I sat on a chair, Sarah stood behind me and David, who had now given his body over to Spirit, sat behind Sarah.  The healing started and I can honestly say I have never felt such vibration in my body.  My body felt hot but the air around me was cold.  Gill, and others in the audience, were remarking on the fact that I was actually glowing – wow, wish I could have seen that!

When the evening was over I felt great and had a really good night’s sleep.  Then yesterday I felt rubbish, worse than I had all week and my mouth was so painful I couldn’t talk properly - not a great prospect for me!  So much for the healing, I thought.

Why I had thought that I do not know because I know that a “healing crisis” often occurs after any form of healing or energy work.  And that’s exactly what I had.

Today – I feel fantastic. 

I am grateful to Sarah, David and Spirit for their help.

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