Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Universe Will Sort it Out

I have a very close friend who suffers from a disease that, although not life-threatening, has severely affected her lifestyle.  She is a member of the local branch of the charity which helps support people with the condition.

About a month ago she asked if we would like to join them at the charity’s Christmas Lunch in mid-December.  As we’d never been before, we felt it would be nice to help support both the charity and our friend, but in doing so I would not be able to go the Bowen4Children’s Christmas party as the two events clashed. 

I really didn’t know what to do, I wanted to be at both events as they were each extremely important to me.  I was not happy about letting the Children’s Clinic down, but neither was I happy about letting my friend down and, for some reason, I could not bring myself to tell either one that I had to cancel.  So I asked the Universe for help.

I asked the Universe to sort it all out, for the good of all concerned, and I just sat back and waited.  Here’s what happened next:

Last Friday the hotel that was hosting the charity lunch went into liquidation and was closed.  The lunch was off and it looked like they would lose their £1,000 deposit.  Noooooo, this is not what I wanted. 

On Saturday it looked like they would get their deposit back, although it would take a few weeks or months to get the refund.  Ok, so they would get their money back but there were still a lot of disappointed people who would not get their Christmas lunch.

On Sunday another venue stepped in and offered to host the event.  Yesssssss, this was getting better.  However, there was just one little thing – they couldn’t accommodate the group on the original date but could do the following day.

Yes, yes, yes – how perfect was that?  The lunch is back on, no money has been lost, lots of fabulous publicity for the charity, and I can go to both events.

Universe – I love you!

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