Monday 30 December 2013

As It Should Be

It’s been quite a while since my last blog but, to be honest, I have not felt like my usual self just lately – I seem to have lost my mojo!!

Over the past month or so I seem to be suffering with one thing after another.  Nothing serious, just the usual aches and pains, pulled muscles, a bout of vertigo, a cold, infection, mouth ulcers, dizziness – but none of them seem to want to leave me completely.  I’ve done loads of self-Reiki, taken medication but still these little blighters cling to me.

So I’ve asked why?  What am I doing that prevents me enjoying good health?  What am I holding onto that I need to let go of?

My first answer came in that moment between being asleep and awake – my very own Twilight Zone.  Trust that all is as it should be.  Wooo, well, yes, that’s all very well but when you feel rubbish it’s hard to trust.

But trust I did, and decided that rather than getting anxious about all my aches and pains, I would just go with them and take each day as it comes. 

This afternoon I got another blinding answer.  You’re holding on to past illnesses.  

Mmmmm, was I?  I didn’t think so but maybe I was because when you have been through a life threatening illness you are never the same person again.  I will freely admit that every time I felt a twinge, ache or pain I would immediately blow it up out of all proportion and wonder if the cancer had returned.

OK, so now I had a couple of answers, what was I going to do?  I knew I had to trust that all was as it should be and I knew that I had to ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bound me to the past.

So I did that and now I just have to wait and see what happens.  But I do feel lighter and I also feel that I’m not alone.  I am confident that my aches and pains and all the grotty stuff will start to fade and I will get my mojo back.

But you know, even if I never feel 100% better, everything as is it should be and I will, somehow, deal with it. 

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