Tuesday 7 January 2014


The other day I read an article about Reiki* which gave fresh insight into how we use the symbols.  For those of you who do not practice, I should explain that when we are attuned to Reiki Level II and above we are given symbols which enhance the Reiki we give.

The article said that the first symbol, CKR, is associated with grounding and connecting to earth energies. It went on to suggest that Reiki practitioners should initially work with this symbol alone to establish a strong connection to the earth energies, to feel these energies within the body thus establishing good grounding practises.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I use all the symbols daily to affirm and connect with the Reiki energy.  But this article actually made me stop and think - should I go back to basics and just concentrate and work with one symbol at a time?

So this morning I worked with just the first Reiki symbol, CKR, with an interesting result.

I always ask four of the Archangels to protect and guide me throughout the day and night.  I did exactly that this morning but what amused me was that, in addition to feeling the Archangels drawing close, I saw a large glass dome coming down over my head and completely encasing my body - a bit like the domes that are placed over cakes to keep them fresh!  Woo, that was new!  I could see out of the dome, could hear and could move freely but my feet were firmly connected to the ground.

Working with just this one symbol had definitely grounded and connected me to the earth energies.  More work is needed before I move on to the next symbol but really looking forward to working in this way.

*References: Breaking the Reiki Code by Frans and Bronwen Stiene (2004). Facebook: International House of Reiki.

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