Thursday 16 January 2014


Last week we held our second Spiritual Development Group and while I won't bore you with all the details, I do want to share this with you.

I felt a man drawing close to me, he was in uniform and had a cap on his head. The jacket was blue and had a belt round the middle.  An American Air Force uniform.  He was young, but not in years; rather in time spent working in spirit.  A nice man, kindly and with a bit of a twinkle.  He had been sent to work with us; we would grow together.

I had the sense that we were being observed; someone was making sure that we worked together and all was well.  I saw us (our Circle) as fledgling birds, flapping tiny little wings and preparing to fly.  Then I was shown an eagle, soaring in the clear blue sky.  I knew we would eventually be like the eagle, but we had a lot of work to do first - we couldn't run before we could walk.

I was also being told that we had to trust and let ourselves go completely; we would be guided on that over the coming months.

Another in our circle also connected with the American and had quite a chat with him.  He was a major in the US Air Force, his name was Charles and he came from Chicago.  He passed as an older man back home.  He was indeed here to help us; he would also learn from us as he was new to this kind of work.

After we closed the circle and sat chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that our Centre is on the site of the old Second World War US Military Base!

Was Charles based here?  Is it easier to connect with him because we are located on the same site?  Were we guided to our lovely Centre because it is on the Base?  So many questions for Charles at our next meeting.

Is this a case of classic synchronicity I wonder?

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