Thursday 28 June 2012

Indigo Children

About a week ago I was asked if I had heard of Indigo Children.  Well yes I had, but I didn’t know too much about them so I did a bit of research and was then able to give a more informative reply to my enquirer.

A few days after that a question cropped up concerning a child who was clearly seeing spirit and appeared to be quite intuitive.  The first thought that crossed my mind was “is this an Indigo Child?” and I joined the debate along those lines.

Earlier this week I was contacted by a lady offering to come and give a talk about – yes, you’ve got it – Indigo Children.

Now some may say “coincidence”, but I gave up on coincidences some time ago.  There is no doubt in my mind that I am being guided and that the right people at the right time are being sent to us.  I continue to be amazed, and so extremely grateful, for the help that we are getting with our Como Centre for Enlightenment and I can now say quite confidently that I trust that all will be as it should be with our venture.

So now I’m busy organising this talk and I am loving every minute of what I’m doing.

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