Sunday 26 August 2012

Self-limiting Beliefs

So I’ve just had this “light-bulb” moment where the truth has smacked me right in the face.  I carry around with me huge self-limiting beliefs which, I am sure, I am not alone in doing.  We all carry ingrained ideas of what we are and what we are not; what we can do and what we can’t.

My belief is that I am no good at any one thing and therefore not as popular as those who excel!  There, I’ve said it – I’ve admitted what I feel.  Of course, logically that’s a nonsense as I know I can do many things and some I can do quite well.  Yes, I have friends and a few that want me for me and not because I come as a package with a group of others. 

But, you see, I’ve always grown up with the belief that I do not excel at anything, I am just Mrs Average.  I was never brilliant at school, or sports – just average.  And the other self-limiting thing I do is compare myself to others – her cakes are always lighter than mine, his writing is so much more interesting than mine, her intuition is so much sharper than mine, and so on and so on.  Because I’ve always carried these beliefs it’s made me feel, if you like, second best  – why would anyone want  me to do something for them when she can do it better, why would anyone want to be my friend when so-and-so is much more interesting and fun.  And then I start to look around for things that have happened that confirm those thoughts.  You begin to see how I have perpetuated this notion?

Well, no more.  It’s now time to shed these beliefs and start to grow into the person I really am.  Yes, there will always be people who can do things better than I can, but that doesn’t mean I am not good at doing them.  Yes, there will always be those who are more popular than me, but that doesn’t make me any less interesting.  OK, at the moment I don’t feel that I excel in any one thing, but that’s because I haven’t found that thing yet.  My own beliefs have held me back.

I am now letting go of those old beliefs, they are not helpful to me.  From now on there are endless possibilities and opportunities for me to shine, and I will.

Sunday 19 August 2012

What a Day

This week my partner in Como and I had one of our monthly business meetings and what a fabulous day it turned out to be.

We had been discussing recently the prospect of finding some premises that felt a little more permanent.  Something  that was more our own, somewhere we could call home.  So our first job on Friday was to look at a local village hall.  Unsure whether it would be suitable or not, we met the booking lady and had a look around.  It had everything we needed, was a good size, the rent was affordable and there was parking space.  What’s more, it was hardly used, it was likely that we could store some of our stuff and there was a possibility of us being given a key if we made regular bookings.  The hall had a lovely feeling and we know that we could add to the energies.  Whilst we were standing talking the door suddenly banged shut and Gill, my partner, felt that our friends upstairs wanted us to be there and they were shutting us in!!

From there we went to The Office, otherwise known as our local!  We found a quiet little corner and sat and discussed our current events, what we could and couldn’t do, what was feasible, what we could afford, etc.  As we talked we began to realise that we were being guided, we were being told of the way to proceed and before too long we had a new structure and a new approach for the coming year.  We had a plan that we both felt comfortable with and that we knew would work.

Our next task was a visit to a local Psychic Fair.  It was a bit of a recce really as we wanted to see how it was run, what sort of stalls were there and whether we could pick up anybody for our own Spiritual and Holistic Fair in December.  The visit was well worthwhile as everyone we talked to were really positive and we picked up quite a few customers.  We are now confident that we will have a hall packed with stalls selling some wonderful stuff, plus some really good people giving readings.

Our day culminated with our Reiki Share Group.  Three new ladies joined us for the evening, two of whom were visitors from Kent and Spain – wow, how good was that.  We totalled 12 and what a fabulous night we had.  The Share was fairly quiet and felt a lot calmer than the one we held a couple of months ago but, nevertheless, the energies were fantastic and each of us got a lot from it.  We are all growing in our knowledge and experience and are moving forward on our pathways.

Phew, what a day!

Friday 10 August 2012

Development Group

Last night was Spiritual Development night, and it was my turn to decide the agenda for the evening.  I knew what I wanted to do but wondered whether it was the right time.  I wondered whether the others were ready.  I asked my guides for help and as the days passed I became more certain that I should do it.

So last night the four of us held our first circle. 

I am still feeling elated this morning, but still trying to understand it all.  Here’s what happened.

After setting our intent, asking for protection, and asking to connect only with higher beings who wanted to teach us, we settled down and waited.  It didn’t take long before we found ourselves sitting around a camp fire, it was dark with just the glow of the fire and a rope was passed through each of our hands.  We were aware that we were not alone, but we all felt comforted and loved.  A sword was given to us and a Roman Gladiator made his presence felt.  Slowly the darkness began to lighten and we began to rise – it was a bit like being a diver heading towards the surface, towards the light.  As we surfaced we found ourselves on a lake that was so still and calm, in the distance were mountains of a bluish-pink hue.  Everything was so clear and bright, like crystal.  A small church appeared and we slowly drifted, as a whole, towards it.  We went inside and it was lit by hundreds of candles.  At the alter stood a monk, in brown robes but his hood was up which hid his face.  He gave each of us a gift, all in crystal – a ball, a diamond, rods and mine was a 5-point star.  After a while we left the church and we knew it was time to leave.  We slowly descended and found ourselves back round the camp fire, still holding the rope.  We gave our thanks and closed down and then sat for 5-minutes just looking at each other.

We talked for ages and finally came to these conclusions – the camp fire was the energy building, ignited by a spark from each of us.  The rope kept us together and kept us grounded; it was important that we each kept hold of the rope, it was our way back.  The sword and Roman Gladiator were there to protect us.  The crystal lake and mountains were, we think, about clarity.  But we’re not sure about the church; why were we taken there, could it be something to do with belief.  And our gifts – lovely to receive but what do they mean and how should we use them?

We all wholeheartedly agreed that circle work is what we need, and want, to do; we have so much to learn and it’s how we are going to develop further as a group. 

Can’t wait for the next one.

Tuesday 7 August 2012


When I was a kid I wasn’t too good at sharing.  I was an only child so never had the experience of having to share toys, sweets, parents attention, etc.  As I grew older I learnt to share and I discovered the joy of sharing with the people I loved.  Now that I am much older I miss the people I can no longer share with.

There are so many things that we can share - possessions, knowledge, time, experiences; in fact the list is endless.    How good is it to share a smile and a few words with a stranger?  How lovely is it to share good fortune with others?  How wonderful is it to share an experience with someone close to you?  How fantastic is it to share Team GB’s success with the rest of the nation in our home Olympics?

Now that I am working at, and beginning to fulfil, my mission in life I find that sharing becomes even more important to me than ever.  What is the point in gaining knowledge if I don’t share it with anyone?  What is the point of acquiring skills if no-one benefits from them?

It was this need to share that prompted me to get together with my very special friend Gill to open the Como Centre for Enlightenment.  Between us we have a lot to offer and by combining our skills and enthusiasm we can achieve much.

Of course, I did have to stop and ask myself “what do you have to share?”.  Well, sadly, it’s not money or material things.  But what I can share is the knowledge I have acquired over my lifetime, my life skills and skills that I have taken training for, such as Reiki, counselling, meditation.  I can share the skills I have acquired during my working life – my administration skills will stand me in good stead for organising the events that we wish to undertake at Como.  I can share my time now that I no longer work full-time – that time will be spent helping others in their life and on their spiritual journey.  I can share the contacts that I have made, and those I’ve yet to make, which will help to promote knowledge and awareness to others. 

So yes, I believe whole-heartedly in sharing and giving whatever you can to others – after all, we are all part of source so when we give to others we give to ourselves.

What will you share today?