Sunday 4 November 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I have spent a lot of time over the past few days thinking about the people on the East Coast of America, sending my love, positive thoughts and, of course, Reiki. 

I’m starting to question why so many people have to suffer, many have lost belongings, their homes and even their lives.  My heart goes out to these people and I want to do something to help.  Yes, I send my positive thoughts and Reiki, but somehow it doesn’t seem enough.  I go to my warm and comfortable bed at night whilst others are spending their nights in shelters and grieving for who and what they have lost.

I know material things are not important in the grand scheme of things, but that’s easy for me to say when I haven’t lost mine.  I would like to think that I would be strong and really be there for others, but I guess none of us really know until we’re put to the test.

I catch fleeting glimpses of the bigger picture, which I know to be true.  We are moving towards ascension and stuff is being shifted.  We have got to change, we cannot continue to treat each other and Mother Earth in the way we have been and we all have to play our part.  I get all that, but it doesn’t make it easier to live through.

So what can I do for people who have to cope with all that life, and nature, throws at them?  Well, probably nothing first hand but I can continue to help all who I come into contact with.  I can help to lift the vibrations of others and spread love wherever I go.  If we all do that, then maybe we will love and protect our planet more and will certainly love and help our fellow man whenever and wherever needed.

God Bless xx


  1. Oh, Elaine,
    Your stories touch me so. I, too, grieve for the people of NYC. We here in SW Michigan (across Lake Michigan from Chicago) were also "touched" with cold, grey, and 60 mph winds for two days, so far away from NYC....yet so near.

    I saw a benefit concert on TV (yes and old fashioned TV) with Sting singling Message in a Bottle, "Sending Out and SOS....", Arrowsmith "Dream On," Bruce Springsteen and other artists who have grown up or lived in the East Coast area toured their neighborhoods-under water. Houses "washed away" on vanishing coastlines.

    Many homeless people clutched water soaked photographs of their loved ones, all they had left. Pictures, physical and digital, are so important, then as now, as we shift on Earth.

    During the concert, I felt NYC to the core...and remembered visiting her twice with a friend. We were young single girls then! (Imagine). I saw the NYC Skyline for the very first time! We walked the streets of Queens, enjoying the Bagel Bakery, caught the subway, saw art museums, Broadway, restaurants and much more eons ago.

    I hear haunting songs in my head...Simon and Garfunkle, The Sounds of Silence, {"and the people bowed and prayed to the Neon God they made..."), American Tune, (..."the Statue of Liberty sailing away to Sea....") and A Heart in New York, ("Flying in from London, looking down on Central Park...") Elton John sings Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters ("and Rose Trees Never Grow in New York City"), and Sting adds, "I'm Just an Englishman in New York."

    As I write I see and feel the color turquoise all around me~the color of Angels.

    For people wishing to donate in any amount, American Red Cross will get money where it is needed.

    Blessed Be~Love, Dahlis xx

    1. Hi Dahlis

      Again, thank you so much for your lovely comments. May I copy and paste your words onto my blog page?

      I've been to New York twice, the first being in the November following 9/11. I was so humbled by the fantastic welcome and kindness shown to us by New Yorkers when they were struggling with so much at that time. My son was in New York just last month and echoed my words - such a great city full of friendly people.

      I'm sure the Angels are with the people of New York and I pray they find the strength to rebuild what they have lost.

      Love Elaine x


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