Friday 28 December 2012


This is usually the time of the year to stop and take stock of all that has happened throughout the past 12-months.  What was good, what not so good?  What would you change, what would you keep the same? What did you learn?

Over the past couple of days I have done a fair bit of reflecting and whilst the past year has brought some sad and worrying times, times that I could have well done without, there were so many good times and much to make my life happy and perfect.

The tough times helped me to realise just how strong I really am and how absolutely futile worrying is.  I have wasted so much time worrying about people and events that I have no control over; about possible scenarios that never happened and about a future that may never be.  So this year I have learnt to try not to worry – easier said than done, I know, but I am learning.  When worry creeps in I ask myself if there is anything I can do about it today and if the answer is no then I stop worrying today and if the answer is yes, I make changes.

I have learnt to embrace the good times and be totally aware of how happy I am.  I have learnt to live in the present moment - the past has gone, I can't change it and I have no idea what the future holds.  I have learnt to be grateful.  The more grateful I become, the better and more abundant my life gets.

I have spent so much time over the years thinking “should I or shouldn’t I?” and ended up wasting several opportunities.  Now, if it feels right I jump straight in!  My life has been changing at great pace over the past few months and it seems to me that the more I embrace life, the more opportunities arise.  OK, so maybe I will get some things wrong but at least I will have tried.

Life is taking another turn now as my good friend and business partner, Gill, and I are about to move into our new premises and incorporate holistic therapy training alongside our spiritual work as Como Centre for Enlightenment.  I have no idea what the new year holds for us but whatever happens we will grow and learn and, above all, we shall enjoy every step of the journey.

I hope 2013 brings you everything you hope for, but remember that life is what you make of it – you have choices.  If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.  Seize the opportunities that are presented, do what makes you happy, learn from your experiences, be positive, love one another and, above all, love life.

Monday 17 December 2012

A Past Life?

Last week a friend and I took a trip to the Christmas Markets in Germany.  It was a river cruise down the Rhine stopping off at markets in Cologne, Bonn and Koblenz.  Mornings were spent cruising to our next stop and afternoons spent shopping in the markets and sampling the Gluwein.  The trip was a good one, the river cruise wonderful and the Christmas markets were lovely.

However, watching the passing scenery as we cruised down the Rhine invoked some very uneasy feelings.  I found the old buildings imposing and forbidding.  I had a sense of fleeing in the surrounding forests.  In Cologne we visited the Cathedral but I found it so dark and intimidating that I had to leave.  I have no idea why I experienced such feelings, it’s never happened to me before.  It was so overwhelming at one point that I had to read my book rather than watch the passing scenery.

I have always been drawn to the second World War without ever really knowing why.  I was born several years after the war had finished so never had any first had experience.  But of course, the war was still fresh in the memories of those around me so was I picking up on their experiences?  After all, my Dad had many stories to tell.

But now I am beginning to wonder whether I may have lived during those times and perhaps I should consider a past-life regression.  Is it really possible to reincarnate in such a short space of time? 

I really don’t know but, after those experiences in Germany, I have to find out.

Sunday 9 December 2012


I have not really been looking forward to Christmas this year.  It’s going to be totally different as, for the first time in around 30-years, we will be on our own.

Friends who have joined us for Christmas Day for the past 20-odd years won’t be coming, my son is in Africa and won’t be coming home and my lovely Dad passed earlier this year. 

I guess it’s felt a little like the empty nest syndrome.  My Decembers have always been full of activity, preparing for the big day and making it special for others.  This year I have not been able to sum up any enthusiasm.   

So what is wrong with me, I wonder.  Why do I feel the need to surround myself with people and take on all the hard work that Christmas brings to make others happy?  Will it be so bad to be on our own this year?

So time to get a grip, and get over it!!

I have so much in my life to be happy and grateful for, especially at Christmas time.  I’m doing some amazing things leading up to Christmas and next year promises to be fabulous – so what on earth is my problem?

I have a son who I adore and I know he loves me very much.  He is living his life, having a wonderful time and is following his path. Yes, I will miss him, but he is happy.  I had a wonderful and loving father and we shared a special relationship that many don’t.  Yes, I will miss him, but he has now moved on.  I have friends whose company I love and I have not lost that.  Yes, I will miss them but they want to do something different. 

I still have two really special people with me and we will still spend our Christmas Day together.  Yes, it will be different, but different doesn’t always mean worse.  Life is what we make it; we can choose to wallow in self-pity and hate the changes that are enforced upon us or we can embrace the change and look forward to something completely different.

So I will look forward to Christmas and all the specialness that the day will bring.

Sunday 2 December 2012

What a Week

It’s been a week of increasing excitement which culminated yesterday with our first Como Spiritual & Holistic Fair.

A month or so ago Gill, my partner in Como, and I decided we would incorporate holistic training into Como and spent weeks writing manuals for accreditation.  We submitted the manuals at the beginning of the week and heard by the end of it that, with a few tweaks, our manuals will be accredited.

We then got the lease agreement for the property we want to rent, and it all looks fine.  Next week we hope to be signing on the dotted line.

We are already starting to get enquiries from potential students, which is quite amazing as we haven’t even advertised yet.

And finally our Fair went very well and we had a lovely day.  The hall was filled with a mixture of therapists, readers and traders and we even had a lovely young lady lead a Shamanic drumming healing session for everyone present.  Wonderful stuff.

We had international medium David Rowan with us for the day and Gill and I decided to have a joint reading.  Seems like we’re on the right track and next year will be extremely busy for us.  Our centre will go from strength to strength and will help many. 

So, onwards and upwards!

What a week – not sure how it can get any better than that.