Thursday 28 March 2013

Pain Control

I want to share someone’s story with you.  I have her permission to do so, but will call her Ann.

Ann joined our Meditation Course 6-weeks ago.  Suffering from chronic pain and debilitating headaches, she decided to give meditation a try – almost as a last resort.  She came into the room almost pain-free but as we started our first 5-minute meditation, focussing on the breath, Ann was on the verge of a panic attack and severe pain kicked in. 

I asked her if she would like to go home but she said she wanted to give it another go, so we started our second meditation.  This time was a little better – no panic attack, but the pain remained.  Still determined to continue we went into the final, guided, meditation of the evening and Ann felt the intensity of her pain fade a little.  As she left she said she would be back the following week.

I was at a bit of a loss – I had never had anyone come into a course pain-free but leave with pain.  I decided that, if there was no improvement the following week, I would talk it over with my own meditation teacher, Mary Pearson, at the British School of Meditation.

Ann was back the following week and started the session with slight pain.  During the first meditation she felt the pain ebb and flow; the pain lessened with the second meditation.  Our third meditation, The Hot Air Balloon, was our breakthrough.  Ann loaded all her pain, plus some other problems and anxieties, into the basket and cut the ropes.  As she watched the hot air balloon float away, so did her pain.  Ann had found a way to start to gain control.

The improvement continued over the following weeks; with each new meditation Ann was beginning to feel more in control and her pain lessened.

Last night was the end of the course and I am delighted that Ann is now only suffering pain about once a week - an enormous improvement.  Ann is hopeful that her headaches will continue to reduce in both frequency and severity.

Through meditation Ann has learnt that she is in control and now has a valuable tool at her disposal.  She continues to meditate daily, and uses meditation whenever her pain becomes too severe. 

Needless to say, I am absolutely delighted for Ann.

Sunday 24 March 2013

More Snow

This weekend the UK is covered in yet another blanket of snow.  In the south, where I live, it’s not been too bad but the people in the north of England are really suffering.  At least one person has lost their life and thousands of homes are without power.  Many roads are impassable and many villages cut-off and running low on food.  By day the snow is starting to melt, but the icy temperatures at night cause wide-spread freezing and the roads will be treacherous during the rush-hour on Monday morning.  Of course, when the thaw starts in earnest we’ll endure lots of flooding.

Now I am well aware that this kind of weather is fairly run-of-the-mill in other countries, but here in the UK we are just not equipped to deal with it.  Any kind of adverse weather and the country grinds to a halt.

What does happen, though, is that in adversity people tend to stick together.  They share, take strangers into their homes, provide comfort and help to ease the suffering of their fellow man.  Not everyone is like this of course – there will always be the minority who are out for themselves, but thankfully they do tend to be the minority.  Random acts of kindness are being carried out all over the country at the moment.

But it does make me wonder why it takes adverse conditions and natural disasters to bring out the humanity in people.  What is so difficult about helping others every day of our lives?  We only have to open our eyes to see those worse off than ourselves, whether in our own countries or elsewhere in the world.  We are all one, all from the same source, living in the same world and in the same universe.  Life doesn’t have to be this tough – we can reach out through love and kindness and help make everyone’s life a little easier.

When will people wake up?

Sunday 17 March 2013

My Spiritual Sisters

This morning I woke up early and actually stayed awake.  Most unlike me because I’m an owl rather than a lark.  But as I lie in my bed something caught the corner of my eye and I saw the snow drifting past my window. 

Big flakes, huge flakes, silently drifting from the sky to the ground.  Angels' feathers – so beautiful.  I got out of bed and, snuggled in my dressing gown, I sat at the window for a while enjoying the early morning stillness before the world awakens .  As the snow fell, thick and fast, there was an ethereal quality about the morning.

I went downstairs to get my mobile phone to take a picture or two.  Within a few moments I heard the sound of a message coming in – it was one of my Spiritual Sisters.  I have three Spiritual Sisters and we have been together for about a year – we have all shared a previous life and now we share this one.

This morning the two of us were having a very moving conversation, albeit via text, and it wasn’t long before my other sisters joined in.  One of my sisters was suffering and I felt a bond so strong and so completely moving that I will confess to a few tears.  I wanted to be with them all at that moment, to embrace them and give them my unconditional love – I have never had such an overwhelming feeling before. 

So I sat in the peace of the early morning and drew each of them into my heart and gave them my love. 

I am so deeply grateful to have each of them in my life.  

Sunday 10 March 2013

A Bit of Healing

It’s been a funny kind of week.  I’ve not felt too great all week, got a couple of really painful mouth ulcers and had to say goodbye to my son again, who left for his next big adventure.  So all-in-all, if I’m honest, it could have been a little better.

Friday night we had a Deep Trance Mediumship Demonstration at Como with a great medium and good friend, David Rowan.  I’ve never seen a deep trance demonstration before, so was really excited.  I had no idea what would happen, and neither did David – the evening was given over to Spirit.

Many of David’s guides came and talked to us, but there is just one part that I want to share with you.  I was spoken to directly by one of David’s guides who knew that I wasn’t in tip-top condition and called me forward to receive some healing.  He then called Sarah from the audience, a Reiki Master Practitioner who works with our group, and said he would give the healing to me through her.  Well, this was a new one for me!

I sat on a chair, Sarah stood behind me and David, who had now given his body over to Spirit, sat behind Sarah.  The healing started and I can honestly say I have never felt such vibration in my body.  My body felt hot but the air around me was cold.  Gill, and others in the audience, were remarking on the fact that I was actually glowing – wow, wish I could have seen that!

When the evening was over I felt great and had a really good night’s sleep.  Then yesterday I felt rubbish, worse than I had all week and my mouth was so painful I couldn’t talk properly - not a great prospect for me!  So much for the healing, I thought.

Why I had thought that I do not know because I know that a “healing crisis” often occurs after any form of healing or energy work.  And that’s exactly what I had.

Today – I feel fantastic. 

I am grateful to Sarah, David and Spirit for their help.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Bit of a Makeover

If you're a regular visitor you will have noticed a bit of a change!  The content of this blog will still be the same, it just looks a little different.

I've included links to the Como Centre for Enlightenment, which I co-own with my business partner, Gill Moss.  I've included links to the other blogs, Mindfulness & Meditation and Holistic Training, which are also linked with Como.

Nothing stays the same for ever, as they say, so hope you like the changes!

Tuesday 5 March 2013


This week we held our second Spiritual Forum at the Como Centre.  It’s our aim at Como to just let these evenings flow and see what crops up.

This week we discussed psychometry and after a while we decided to break into smaller groups and give it a try.  Now, I’ve never tried this before and I didn’t really expect much to happen but I was in for a bit of a surprise.

I took the object belonging to the person I was working with and held it for a few minutes.  Nothing really was happening and I began thinking that this wasn’t really for me.  I didn’t really know what to expect – would I see, would I hear or would I just know?  

After a while I became aware of water, lots of water – not rough like the ocean but more like a calm, still lake.  I wasn’t seeing this, I just knew it.  It was a vast stretch of water, no land around it.  There was a boat, like a rowing boat but much bigger, with a man standing at the front.  My view of him was from the rear and he was moving out of the darkness and into the light.  It was important that I should understand this, moving from the dark into the light.  I felt he was a young man, he passed young and suddenly.  He wanted me to know that he was ok now, no more suffering and he felt sorry for what he had done (whatever that was).  I then started to feel a physical tightness around my neck.

The person I was working with accepted everything I was saying and confirmed how the young man had passed. 

I was quite amazed by all of this as I really didn’t think I would be able to feel anything from an object.  Sometimes I tend to make things far too complicated and forget that we really do need to do is stand back, trust and accept the first things that pop into our minds.

I don’t know whether I will do more psychometry, but I will certainly do more with my intuitive abilities.