Sunday 28 July 2013

A Reiki Share & A Guide

Last week at our regular Reiki Share I was quite stunned to find myself meeting a guide of a member of our group.

I had been feeling that someone was around us all evening and, with my eyes closed, had seen shadows pass before me when no one in the room had moved.  As “S” settled herself down to receive Reiki, this person came closer to me.  Somehow I just knew he was a guide and he was here for “S”.

I should add here that I don’t “see” or “hear” in the normal sense of the words.  What I have is like a memory although I have no knowledge of what I’m remembering.  Does that make sense?  It’s very hard to describe the way that I connect with spirit.  It is very subtle and therefore I always tend to doubt what I’m getting; I think it’s just my imagination.

So here I was giving Reiki and picking up on these feelings.  I sensed it was a man and quite small in size.  He had a long grey beard that tapered to a point at waist level.  He was in a black robe with his arms crossed in front of him and hands disappearing into his sleeves.  He had a small black hat on his head.  He was Chinese.

He told me, without my hearing him, that he was here for “S” to help her through a situation she was facing at the moment.  He asked me to tell her that.  Now at this point I’m thinking “this is my imagination” but then the thought popped in my head again – “you will tell her, won’t you?” I answered with the thought “Yes, I will” and then “Thank you Missy” came back to me.

I was a little blown away with that because I reasoned that I could well have imagined most of what went on, but no way would I have imagined “thank you Missy” - would I?  

I told “S” when we had finished the Reiki and she was aware that she had a Chinese guide and the fact that he was here to help her with a current situation made perfect sense to her.

When, oh when, will I start to totally trust what I’m getting and not keep thinking it’s all in my head!!

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