Friday 2 August 2013

The Drawing

Following on from my last blog, and S's guide, I just thought I would share with you what happened next.

The morning after I met the guide I awoke really early with a strong feeling that I had to draw him.

Surely not, I thought, I can’t draw.  But no, I was being urged to get on with it.  So much so that I was reminded of an artist set that had been a gift but left in a drawer, unused, for years.

I got up early and rummaged in the drawer – a set of pencils plus an instruction book on how to sketch and draw.  Hummmm, did I really want to do this?  Well no, but I was being nagged so went along with it and even went into town and bought an Artists’ Sketchbook.

That afternoon I sat and drew.  It’s no masterpiece that’s for sure, but I did what I was told and here he is.

I don't know what this will lead to - my guides are probably having a good old laugh and thinking "well, we won't get her to do that again!".  

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