Sunday 27 October 2013

The Poodle and the Pony

Ollie the poodle had his final Reiki session last Friday and both Gill and I were really pleased that he is now a much happier dog.  Ollie greeted us like old friends, no barking or growling, just very pleased to see us.  He settled immediately, dropped off to sleep and soaked up the Reiki.

His owner is delighted with the results, so much so that she has booked onto the next Reiki Level I training course so that she can treat him herself.  I would call that a result, wouldn’t you?

We then went on to see the pony and what a delightful little chap he turned out to be.  We asked that he be left in his paddock to not cause him any distress and to allow him to choose whether to accept Reiki or not. His problem seemed to be one of total distrust of people, including his owner.

He was standing in the middle of the paddock as we approached.  He wasn’t sure whether he wanted anything to do with us and just stood watching with a wary eye.  Reiki flowed and slowly he took a few paces towards us.  It was slow progress but eventually he walked over and just stood looking; he sensed the energy and accepted.  We made no move to touch him, just allowed him to be.  He took Reiki for about 20-minutes and then just wandered off.  He’d had enough!

Will we go back?  I do hope so.  

Sunday 20 October 2013


Yesterday I wasn’t well at all; I seemed to have picked up some virus that made me dizzy and sick so I had no choice but to stay in bed.

Unable to do anything but sleep and think, I had plenty of time to do some self-Reiki and meditation; both of which were extremely helpful.

During these sessions I found the past kept cropping up a lot – some of it great and some not so great. 

It was during one of the not-so-great sessions that I got some real clarity. 

During our lives we all have to make decisions.  Years ago I made a decision and, whilst I still believe it was the right one for me, I have carried the guilt of it for years.  By making that decision I hurt others; I have felt totally selfish and guilty over taking the route to my own happiness.

But yesterday I finally realised that the decision I made was the right one for me; for once I had followed my heart and not my head which is something we all should strive for.  Yes, I had made others unhappy but they then had the choice to seek their own solutions.  I don’t think I can remain feeling guilty any more if they choose to remain in the past.

So today I feel as though I have shifted something that I have held onto for years.  The past is the past and I cannot alter that and I am truly sorry that I have hurt people; but I have to move forward.

So maybe I needed to be forced to take to my bed yesterday so that I could gain this insight and shed the issues I’ve been holding onto. 

I thank my guides for making it happen – but can I please not have the dizziness anymore!

Monday 14 October 2013

Update on the Poodle

Last week Gill and I went back to check on Ollie, the black poodle who we gave Reiki to.  Completely unsure of what to expect, we rang the bell and waited.

Ollie greeted us full of excitement and wagging tail, a few barks but nothing like the growling of the week before.  His owner told us that he was much improved, less anxious and enjoying his walks much more.  She said he still had an issue with one particular area on his walk but I suspect that this is more to do with the fact that she gives him a biscuit to get him to carry on walking!

We gave Ollie more Reiki.  He settled really quickly, allowed us to put our hands on him and dropped off to sleep.  Great result.

The added bonus is that Ollie’s owner feels that she too has improved as a result of being with Ollie during his Reiki session.  So much so that she had invited a friend around to share it too!

We’re going back in a couple of weeks to give Ollie his third and final session; neither of us feel that Ollie needs further treatments. 

And anyway, Ollie’s owner asked if we could just pop round to visit a friend who has an anxious pony!!

Sunday 6 October 2013

Another Decade Passes

Tomorrow is my 60th Birthday and another decade passes.  I think when a big birthday looms you start to reflect a little and also ponder on the future.

So I have reflected and, all-in-all, my life has been brilliant.  Yes, there have been some tough times, but who doesn’t have tough times in their lives.  It’s the tough times that teach us the lessons we need, they give us the experiences that help us to grow, they shape us into the people we are.  Do I have any regrets? No I don't.

So the future is before me and I wonder what it will bring.  Am I worried about getting older?  Well, yes to a degree but I refuse to let it bother me.  Who knows what tomorrow may bring, but the way I look at it is that it may be so amazingly magical in ways that I could never imagine.  I will not spend my days worrying.

The one thing that age has brought me is a deep contentment with who I am.  I have made choices that have brought me to the place I am now and I love my life.  I am surrounded by people who I love dearly and I am extremely grateful for them being in my life.  And at a time when I should be thinking of retiring I find myself running my own business and am passionate about what I do.

So on the eve of entering my next decade, I am extremely grateful for my life and I look forward to having a blast over the next 10-years.

Bring it on!!