Tuesday 6 May 2014

The Harshness of Life

Last week we saw a teenager kill one of his teachers in school. The nation was horrified, and quite rightly so. What on earth is our world coming to when young people can take another's life so carelessly. I thought about this tragic incident for a long while, trying to understand and make sense of it all.

On a spiritual level I get it. Before returning to this life, the boy had chosen this as his lesson to learn. Coming from the same Soul Group the teacher agreed to play her part in his lesson and chose to be the victim. Their love for one another is unending and unconditional. From the teacher's point of view her job is done, she has helped this young man and now she can go home.  The boy has to continue with his lesson and live out the rest of his life coping with the tough consequences. So what was his lesson to learn, you may ask. I have no idea and I should think at this point in time, neither does he.

Now don't get me wrong, just because I understand all that doesn't mean that I like it. I feel a deep sadness for the teacher and her family and I also feel compassion for the boy and his family - they are all going through a very tough time.

And I live in this world where acts of violence appal and anger me; the blatant disregard some folk have for others is shocking to say the least. Sometimes I want to hit out and retaliate, but that's not the answer. As Gandhi once said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

I don't have any answers, maybe there are none. Maybe this is exactly how it's meant to be until we all start to realise that humanity has to change, that we have to move as one towards love and compassion in order to survive.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in two worlds and I find it difficult to merge the harsh realities of this life with my spiritual awareness. 

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