Tuesday 29 January 2013

Past Life Regression

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been thinking that it’s time for another training course.  Where is all this coming from, I wonder, this need to learn?  As one course draws to an end, I start to consider the next one.

So I enrolled on a “Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy” course and started today.  Lesson 1 and I’m loving it already. 

Naturally my thoughts start to turn to past lives and what do I know of my own?  Well not too much really.  But if you measure what I know with the average person, then I guess I have an insight into quite a lot.

Around 30-odd years ago I formed a spiritual circle with my best friend.  She and I used to work together and from the day we first met we both had this sense of closeness and that knowing each other forever kind of feeling – I’m sure you’ve all experienced those kind of feelings at some point.  After sitting in circle for quite some time, we were eventually made aware that we both shared a past life, we were related and were like, but not of, the Inca people.  That’s all we got but it explained the closeness we felt.

It was a similar experience when I met by business partner, Gill.  We felt an affinity and I had an overwhelming sensation of “I know you, but not in this lifetime”.  Once again, during a development circle, we were told that we shared a past life and were related.  The relationship extended to two other members of our circle who we also felt an affinity with.  We have no other details of our shared life, maybe something worth exploring.

I have always had an affinity with the second world war and last year, whilst in Germany, I experienced overwhelming sensations of fear and fleeing through the woods.  Perhaps I had a life during that period, I don’t know.  Maybe I will find out more on my new course!

It’s a fascinating subject and one that I shall take great delight in exploring.

Monday 21 January 2013

Power Cut

Last Friday we had the heaviest amount of snow that we’ve seen in our area for a long time.  Four to five inches fell during the day, causing chaos on the roads and disruption to the transport system.  More snow fell yesterday and with temperatures barely getting above freezing, the snow has turned to ice.

So this morning was not a good day to wake up to a power cut! 

The power shower didn’t work because it’s run by an electric motor; no cup of tea; no heating; no internet connection and a short battery life on my pc; no hot food as we cook electric; the washing machine ground to a halt; and so the list goes on. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am not moaning here – just observing.

I did notice the complete silence when the power went off.   We get so used to the noise that surrounds us every day that we just don’t notice it any more.  Without the constant hum of appliances, and the traffic noise muted by the snow, the silence was palpable. I sat for a while "just being".

The other thing that hit me was how reliant we have become upon our appliances and gadgets, we feel we can’t function without them.  When these are taken away from us we are forced to do other, simpler things.

So what did I do this morning?  I had a long and deep discussion with a friend; I spent some time reading; I played with the cats!  Yes, I would have preferred to have some heat to keep warm and the facility to make a hot drink, but actually I really didn’t mind the power cut.

Perhaps if, every once in a while, we learnt to let go of our “things” and spent some time living a more simple life, we would start to realise how good life can be and how it’s not things that really make us happy.

Mind you, I don’t know how I would have felt if the power was off for a longer period of time!

Sunday 13 January 2013

A Sudden Passing

At the beginning of the week I heard of a young woman who passed suddenly.  Everyone who knew her and her family was in a state of shock and wondering why life was so cruel.

This really made me think about my own feelings and, I must admit, I found I was questioning too.  But I have my thoughts which I will share with you.

I am very sorry that the young woman passed, but her time here is over.  She had chosen her life before coming here, has completed what she came here to do and it’s time for her to go.  I know she is going home and will be looked after during her transition; she will be ok.

My thoughts and love are with her family and friends now who are struggling to come to terms with their loss, and trying to find answers why.  Even when we have the answers, it doesn’t make it any less painful to deal with the physical loss of a loved one from this life.

But they, too, have chosen this life and maybe this loss is one of their lessons, maybe some of them have to learn to deal with loss and grief.  I don’t know, these are only my thoughts.

But, surprisingly, what I am finding is that knowing what I know is not making it any easier for me, in fact if anything it makes it harder.  While everyone else is ranting and raving about the injustice, the tragedy, how could God be so cruel, etc, I find that I can’t join in with them because I know different.  They think I’m hard and uncaring.

I can’t tell them my truth – for one they wouldn’t believe me and secondly, I don’t think it is my place to do so.  All I can do, and what I did immediately, was make Reiki available for all who would accept it.  I will be here when and if needed and I will hold the space for them to heal.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Ask the Universe

The first blog of the New Year – so where have I been?

Well, I’ve spent the past week moving into our new Como Centre with my business partner, Gill.  We have had so much fun in the past few days, setting out our stuff, deciding what is going where, shopping and, of course, inviting our families in to see what we have achieved.

What I want to share with you now is how this all came about so quickly and how, when you ask, the Universe really does conspire to help you.

From around the middle of the year when our work really started to take off, it became our wish to have a home of our own.  We used to sit and dream about what it would be like and all the wonderful things that we could do.  We set our intentions, asked the Universe for help and just let it be. 

On 14th November Gill and I had to go into our bank and while we were waiting we started chatting and the subject of our own premises somehow cropped up.  She suggested we popped into the estate agents whilst in town, just to have a look to see what was available.

She was drawn to a particular estate agent, and we have several in our town, so in we went.  Looking at the properties in the window it soon became evident that we couldn’t afford the premises on offer.  Just as we were leaving, the agent disappeared for a moment and popped back out clutching some details that he thought might just interest us. 

We took the details and went home.  It looked good on paper.  We needed to take a look and managed to get an appointment that afternoon; it was perfect.  We talked about it for ages – should we, shouldn’t we.  We both wanted to do it very much but we felt there was a need to be sensible.  We decided to sleep on it.

The following morning nothing had changed – we still had this overwhelming urge to go with it.  Financially it was a bit of a risk, but if we didn’t try we would never know.  We phoned the estate agent and the rest, as they say, is history.

We both feel that we were guided all the way - everything went so smoothly.  We are so grateful for all the help we have been given, it's been amazing.

Our home is beautiful, it has the most wonderful, calming, atmosphere and the energies are building nicely.  We know that we will both be very happy there and will do some fabulous work.

So if you have a dream, ask the Universe to help you.  You may not get it tomorrow but, if it’s in your best interests, you will get all the help you need.  Remember though, you do have to act upon the guidance you’re given!