Monday 5 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout - Experiment #1

I’d been seeing a lot of mention of E2 by Pam Grout over the past week or so and thought I’d better have a closer look as I was sure it was being shown to me for a reason.  It looked like another kind of self-help book, based on the Laws of Abundance and Attraction, but went a little further in saying that we could create the life we wanted.  What appealed to me was the nine experiments that the reader could do themselves, giving proof on whether this works for you or not.

I read a few of the reviews which, on the whole, were good but there were a few bad ones in there.  But figuring that everything has those who thinks it’s a load of old codswallop, I decided to give it a go.  After all, it was only £1.99 to download from Amazon.

I started reading and oh boy was this making a whole lot of sense.  It brought a lot of science, especially quantum physics, into play which I could totally accept.  My plan was to read the whole book and then go back and do the nine experiments.  But I couldn’t wait, so once I got to Experiment #1, I set my request for personal proof.

On Thursday 1st August at 1:30pm I gave the Universe just 48-hours to deliver a small gift.  I was no more specific than that, I just needed a gift from someone.

Within 2-hours I had been into my local optician as I was having problems with my glasses.  They made several adjustments and changed the pads for larger, gel ones.  When I asked how much, the guy said nothing, no charge at all.  Was that my gift?

The following day and nothing at all.  No gift forthcoming so I figured the opticians must have been it, but I still had roughly 12 hours to go.

The following day I was chatting to a friend about her successful weight loss.  As a hypnotherapist she had practised what she preached with great results and then she offered to take me through hypnotherapy for weight loss - as a gift!  Excited or what – not only was she offering me a way to get to grips with my weight, but it was a gift. 

Arriving home after a wonderful day, and the arrival of my gift, my friend asked if I had received anything during the day.  I told her of the weight loss gift and then she said “this arrived for you this afternoon” and gave me a vase full of beautiful flowers.  OMG – another gift, this time from friends wishing me luck for our Open Day and apologising for not being able to be there.

Absolutely amazing – gifts galore!  Bring on Experiment #2.

Get your copy of E2 by Pamela Grout now and start working through her experiments.  It’s only by doing things for yourself that you’ll find your proof.

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