Monday 19 August 2013

Meditation – Or Was It?

Last week we held our regular Meditation Group and welcomed two new members.  Both had meditated before and had a deep understanding of all things spiritual.  We agreed on the amount of time we wanted to meditate for, set the timer with soft chimes, and began.

It was going well and then the timer went off and we all jumped – it was so loud and brought us back too rapidly.  We were not happy! 

We all agreed that we wanted to go back to our meditation place but decided not to set the timer, just rely on intuition to bring us back. 

We settled again but then someone in the group said no, can’t do it, there’s someone in the building.  Naturally we were all concerned and three of us went to search.  Nobody there.  We settled again but some of the group began hearing footsteps and then a moan was heard. 

Someone needed our help.  I had a moment of uncertainty and apprehension – I was supposed to be leading this group but suddenly I was being asked to do more than just lead a meditation.  Could I do it?  But then I was being told that of course I could, I had done it before and I would know what to do.

So we settled.  I called upon our guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters, asked for their protection and asked for help to deal with whoever needed it.  I immediately felt the Archangels join ranks behind us, completely enfolding us.  I asked the group to build their energies, focus their light and send unconditional love to whoever we were helping.  I felt a male presence who didn’t want to leave so I asked Archangel Michael to cut the ties that held him and immediately everything started to feel lighter.  We knew when he had gone so we closed ourselves down and gave thanks to all who helped.

Needless to say we all talked for ages.  The person we had just helped to move onwards was not a nice person in this lifetime, he had committed a serious crime and was frightened of facing his victim who had been a family member.  As he moved towards the light he was met by his victim and was forgiven - he moved onward in love and light.  

We all agreed that we felt we had just been given a test and one which we passed.  We had remained as a group, stayed in our own light and helped this person to move on. 

The interesting thing was that when we tested the timer again, it was much quieter and gentler than the one that brought us back so rapidly.   

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