Friday 30 August 2013

E2 by Pam Grout – Experiment #4

Wow, now this one was amazing.

The task was to ask the Universe for something specific and for it to manifest within 48-hours.

Ironically we (Como) are running a Cosmic Ordering Workshop in October and we needed a couple more students, so I asked the Universe for at least one person to sign-up and gave the 48-hour deadline.

48-hours later and nothing.  I was so disappointed. 

But what did happen was my thoughts were turning to the need to post reminders for the Workshop on all social media that we use.  Mmmm, not convinced but nothing to lose, so I decided I would extend the time period of manifestation for another 48-hours and I would get on with posting reminders.

I also felt that I needed to write my order down, be totally specific about what I wanted and also to write down self-limiting beliefs that could be stopping me from receiving my order.  As I wrote my self-limiting beliefs down I actually gave each one to the Universe to be transmuted back to the positive.

That was yesterday.

This morning I checked my e-mails and, yes you’ve guessed it, a sign-up for the Workshop.


  1. You have good results, thank you for sharing them.

  2. I just set my intention. I'm going to follow your lead and write down any limiting beliefs and give them to the universe to reverse...


Do leave a message - I would love to hear from you.